... and you think just dobbermann's and pitbull's are bastards... read this

A dog is just one step away from a wolf, and any intelligent person knows better than to let a small person play with a demi-wolf! An adult human vs. any medium-sized dog is just barely an even match (for the human) when fought barehanded, not to mention a 2-year-old baby. It's purely the stupidity of the family to blame here, not the dog. Animals cannot be reasoned with, so you should respect them for what they are.

I have to disagree with you guys on this one. Yes, the attack is tragic and should have been prevented. On the other hand though, I trust my Dobey mix around my 2 and 4 year old nieces. Did I let them around the dog until she was properly trained? NO! A dog that is a "sheep herder" is basically taught that aggression is Okay, because what is that dog going to do if it catches a sheep ? In order to allow any dog around children that dog has to be shown that any form of aggression, whether it's towards lizards, birds, coyotes, whatever... is not okay. You can't expect a dog to want to kill sheep but not certain other things... It's all or nothing with a dog.
I have to disagree with you guys on this one. Yes, the attack is tragic and should have been prevented. On the other hand though, I trust my Dobey mix around my 2 and 4 year old nieces. Did I let them around the dog until she was properly trained? NO! A dog that is a "sheep herder" is basically taught that aggression is Okay, because what is that dog going to do if it catches a sheep ? In order to allow any dog around children that dog has to be shown that any form of aggression, whether it's towards lizards, birds, coyotes, whatever... is not okay. You can't expect a dog to want to kill sheep but not certain other things... It's all or nothing with a dog.

I'd beg to differ. We have three dogs, two labs and a miniature beagle, and we always have let them have their territorial aggression towards each other, which they do, a bark or a growl and even the occasional nip at the other if they want to be left alone and yet they know that if a toddler is near them and they don't like what is going on or are being hurt, they get up and walk away. They definitely know their boundaries between the alpha and omega between themselves and humans.
I'd beg to differ. We have three dogs, two labs and a miniature beagle, and we always have let them have their territorial aggression towards each other, which they do, a bark or a growl and even the occasional nip at the other if they want to be left alone and yet they know that if a toddler is near them and they don't like what is going on or are being hurt, they get up and walk away. They definitely know their boundaries between the alpha and omega between themselves and humans.

To each his own. FWIW Labs and and a mini-beagle are not the same as a dobbey. I prefer to play things nice and safely :Smokedev:

My stoner wouldn't hurt no1

fuck aggressive dogs!

I got bit by a rottweiler this past sunday and had to go to the hospital and I still cant play guitar completely normal yet

Hope this doesn't gross anybody out but:



The one on my middle finger has healed up a ton but when I first got bit it almost went down to the fucking bone!
^Been there dude. Got attacked by two pits that where trained for dog fights. (I found out later) I climbed up a tree but didn't make it high enough. One of them got my shirt and scratched up my whole back (not so deep) while the other hung off my arm around the elbow area. It left 3 very deep holes in my arm. I had to irrigate these holes with some solution 3 times a day and stuff them with gauze for a while. It really sucked. If my friend wasn't with me I don't know if I would of made it out alive. He kicked the dog on my arm very hard and it took off after him which gave me the opportunity to run from the other. Shit was a nightmare and I was honestly scared of dogs for a few years.
Well guys this animal hasn't been raised with a kid playing around of course.
Usually dogs, if raised with a kid around, are so protective toward the kid, they're gonna kill you if they see you messing with the little kid.
Anyway I love doing jokes to my friend's dog, I feel like a child sometimes, because I love that dog so much that I react like a child.. of course that dog is docile, and seems like a human! you see the love he shares!
Everytime I play with him, my friend says "come on don't piss the dog off" eheh I hope he'll never bite me lol
Anyway there are dogs and dogs, but I never expected such a reaction from a collie argh :eek:
Years ago I had a samoyed - very noble, and very friendly towards everybody. One time in an equestrian country club some dog jumped to attack a toddler and my dog (without any training) ran to defend the kid and ripped the other dog to shreds. Everyone was quite impressed but we didn't find out until later- we were just shocked when we first saw him with blood by his mouth and fur.

Dogs can be very territorial no doubt about that.
The "it´s a good dog, never behaved like that" is not an excuse, as there is no such a thing as a dog that attacked more than one kid. If a dog attacks a kid once they are put down. Owners should know that everytime a dog kills a child, it's the first and last time.
^Not here. Sometimes these things go unreported. At least in my experience.

Thinking out loud here:
Those dogs that attacked me (read above) got "put down" (killed) against my will. The owner threatened me with a gun in my face, "If you call the cops blah blah blah". He was some gang leader of sorts apparently but I still didn't want the dogs to suffer death. I wanted to go after the owner, mainly because the dog fighting. However . . . I was advised by "friends" not to do so given the problems that most likely would have come from it. At least he didn't come after me for the death of his dogs.
Well atleast they killed the dog....I hate animals i just wish they would die....

Dude seriously, what the fuck?

I'm very sorry for the little kid, but also for the dog. Dogs live on their instinct and the enviroment they live in. So i blame this very badly on the parents and grandparents, they can take responsibility, the dog cannot and that meant the death of the dog.

I have a 10 year old Golden Retriever and it's my greatest friend (i shit you not) it's one big pile of loving happiness. Offcourse i got bitten in a decade living with him but it was my own fault, i got a warning growl from him and it was more of a 'warning' bite as well because he didn't bit me hard or long. Animals stay animals and cannot communicate like we do.
Well this just showes that everything has an instinct that can't be controlled 100%. It's the same for human kind imo

And there's NOT such things as "Dangerous Breeds" god damnit. I hate to read this shit all over again...we had quite a discussion going on here not too long ago...now everyone owning a dog of a "dangerous breed" has to pass a licence with the dog to carry it around in puplic...people are stupid.

Poor child :(
This is tragic.

But it's true what people say. You have to remember this is a wolf we're talking about. A normal behaviour for a dog/wolf is to defend or run away when cornered by a threat. And when trying to run away or get away from the situation they can turn to aggression. It's just dog/wolf flee instinct.

And to those that claims that hi/her dog would never do this to children. How can you be so sure? Do you think like a dog? My dog is properly been trained yada yada, it's still just a dog.

I fully trust my dog to be with my 5 month old son and that he will never try to own him or herd him. Bu tI can never be sure that he doesn't get a brainfreeze or act on pure instinct to protect himself when my son(when he's older) attacks him for play or whatever.
I really fucking hate pet owners who think their dogs are more important than people.
The fucking animals will bark at you and threaten to bite you (for no reason) as you go by on the street, and they just act like their beloved 'pooch' is entitled to do so, or something :mad: (of course not all dog owners, but a lot of them are like that).

I swear if i had a pistol, I'd shoot the fucking thing in between the eyes! (of course only if the animal is being really agressive to me, for no reason whatsoever). And if the owner also barks at me, then I'd show him the gun as well :heh:

People are more important than animals. All and every time.

I hate pet owners too... Those who don't know what their dogs really need and think their dog is well. It's sad to watch, but as much as you would like to blame the dog, the problem is in fact the one who's holding the leach. Dogs don't get to choose their owners, and I don't believe there's such a thing as an insane dog. There's dogs that are put under too much strain, mostly without knowing.

I don't know the details of the case in the OP, none of us really know, but a mother that's about the same age as me, probably still wants to live her life outside home, a kid and a dog, probably not good... Sorry to hear about both the kid and the dog.