Dick Sirloin, you faggot, get in here

Wait'll you get to Grigori the octopus. And the coprophilia scene. And... oh fuck, 2nd best book ever, I wish I had it with me
hahahahah OH MAN

I await the day anyone else here has read ANY of Gravity's Rainbow or Finnegans Wake, other than dick joyce and myself.

book club ahoy
Hahahaha... Where's Russell

Chromie: check out Gaddis. If James Joyce is Black Sabbath and Pynchon is Reverend Bizarre, then Gaddis is Pagan Altar. It's very very very obvious that Pynch was a big fan of THE RECOGNITIONS... he even stole a bunch of character names for V.
you son of a bitch, even using allusions that I could relate to

and I do have this Borders gift card going to waste that I would have just ended up spending on cook books ..........

Been planning on looking into recognitions anyway, I'll scope it out this weekend
Until Gaddis's JR came out in the mid-70s, a lot of people thought Pynchon WAS Gaddis just writing under a pseudonym :lol: Also like Pynchon, Gaddis shunned the public eye. When asked for a picture to put on a book cover, Gaddis sent in this self-portrait:

49 by my count.

The 50th instance is me making an Electric Wizard / Let Sleeping Corpses Lie thread. I'd bump it if only doomedparade would show up again. *runs away* *cries*

EDIT: Nope, make it 48. And the 49th is Jerry yelling at a(n) homosexual.
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