commandante, you faggot, get in here

You don't look like Non in that second picture. I'll bet you could get into any action hero movie for free with that beard. :loco:
NAD said:
You don't look like Non in that second picture. I'll bet you could get into any action hero movie for free with that beard. :loco:
Maybe I should look into that option. I already missed Hellboy and Punisher though... :erk:
commandante said:
So when you're not playing Non in Superman II, you're actually Ali G in your spare time?? Booyaka!


Now the only question is, how will you be dressed when you and Gugs hook up at Iced Earth?!

By the way, what are your thoughts on Jon Schaffer or The Glorious Burden? :dopey:
I don't think what kind of clothes I have on wouldn't be that crucial if that Neanderthal really wants to fight, he knows my face now he should be able to find me.
Jon Schaeffer is a jew, nothing more to say on that subject.
We have the squad completed now and can go on fighting against freedom-loving people of America.