IOfTheStorm, you faggot, get in here

Doomcifer said:
i just dl MSN last night while drunk and added most peeps here that I saw with that little thingy thing shit under their avatar. They prob got some gay email saying OMGWTFZ DOOMCIFER WANTS TO SPEAK TO YOU!

Yep :lol:
lizard said:

hahahha :kickass:

LOL @ Dev...see!
Erik said:
thread quality is diminishing imo
Yeah, but it reminds me of what happens when Doomcifer gets drunk on AIM. I forget who it was but he messaged them with a bunch of babble, and when they said "is this Doomcifer?" he said FUCK OSOFOJF!!! and then signed off for the rest of the night.

That's 10/10 right there.