IOfTheStorm, you faggot, get in here

You know what IotS? I have no problem with you whatsoever from this point on. It is stupid to waste time over such a thing, sorry for wasting your time!
lizard said:

hahahaha :lol:

That actually happened to my cousin once at a party expect he didnt fucking breathe fire!!! lmao Just, the side of face caught on fire and he went into an epilleptic flapping fury like that dude was doing. :rock:

EDIT: lmfffaaaooo notice how its all epille[tic flapping fury until he see that he has suddenly turned into a fie breathing dragon and starts totally freak out and decides to just RUN!!!
IOfTheStorm said:
@ Demilich
And you are whining just because i say that crap00)))))))))))) are worthless. That's it, that's the ONLY case, admit it. Basically you are a douche because i only comment on bands/music, and never (or extremely rarely - and then it is an obvious joke that only Nad will probably understand) on people. On the other hand YOU (and most people here) are ready to comment on me when i bash a band, and not on what i say against the x band or the x music. But i like it cause it's funny, so please don't stop.

good thing you don't stoop to name-calling
