IOfTheStorm, you faggot, get in here

While everyone gets annoying from time to time ( :wave: ), there isn't anyone here I actively dislike.

Oh except I didn't like man as robot when he first appeared but then we had mansex and peed on Asian school children together and I realized how cuddly he truly is. And PJ pissed me off about 2.5 times and... Tully and J. and Erik have made me angry once twice each I think. Other than that though! It's all love. :)

All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
That dude totally sucked at the funny. I read maybe 2 of his threads and they just sucked, and I laugh at everything.
proportionatly this forum has much much fewer wankers
its the only place I post outsode ireland
pretty much most of you can be a wanker on occasion but it really doesn't bother me, (except maybe the odd racist / bigotted thing , which I observe )
because generally its good natured and very amusing
Dead_Lioness said:
I would take 10000000000000000 IoTS on any Lord Red Dragons.

given that we know as true:

1. LRD is personally known by CT_Thrash
2. CT_Thrash knows his name
3. He is a convicted sex offender with three photos on the sex offender page
4. He NEVER posts about music, so he's here only to spew his garbage, he must have followed CT here because he would see her at the Irving library

= IOTS is a total 9000 carat diamond compared to LRD
^ yeah cara knows him personaly, and you're right Liz, he did follow her
to the library and thats how he got on the forum.
One time he walked into the library, Cara saw him, and he went to the men's room
and came out wearing a dress and make up... no lie, I'm quoting my girl Cara here....

what a freak.

IoTS never bothered me, true he may think he knows better than anyone else
sometimes, but like I said: at least he knows music and what he likes
LRD is just a damn sex offender
(and by golly, why do I even compare the two anyways?!)