IOfTheStorm, you faggot, get in here

Doomcifer said:
that pic is fucking awesome hahahahahahahahaha

IMHO, IoTS is one of the BETTER posters here. I dunno, maybe it's because his musical tastes are better than 99% of all these prepubescent nerds on UM. Everytime I wander a bit outside this forum I get totally disgusted.
my theory is that everyone would find his ways unbearable if it wasnt for his admittedly good insight into trad & doom metal and old ass prog
Erik said:
my theory is that everyone would find his ways unbearable if it wasnt for his admittedly good insight into trad & doom metal and old ass prog

Just imagine what we'd think of you if it wasn't for your authority on Black Metal and Depeche Mode cover bands. :loco:

imagine what you'd think of me if i wasn't one of the older regulars around

if i came in here now as a newbie and tried pulling my usual bullshit i would be banned faster than i could say "ur mum nignog"
Erik said:
my theory is that everyone would find his ways unbearable if it wasnt for his admittedly good insight into trad & doom metal and old ass prog

That could be very true. But let me ask you this: Why? Because he is hard-headed in his way and has convictions that he is ready to fight about/for? Nothing really wrong with that. If so, many people on this forum are loathsome as well. Afterall, many things discussed around these parts are merely based on/about music anyhow, so it is kind of hard to negate and/or approve much...i.e. and opinion besides saying "i disagree/you're full of shit/etc." One of the main reasons I hardly EVER get into a music debate. WTF am I going on about again?? :zombie:

I must be buzzed already.
Erik said:
my theory is that everyone would find his ways unbearable if it wasnt for his admittedly good insight into trad & doom metal and old ass prog
Actually i should just let this thread go on because i absolutely love it that you "try so hard" as i told you in a GMD thread, but you are just whining because i consider funeral doom a pure turd (and justify why) and because i can say a "black metal is gay" and your pure norse black metal spirit can't handle it and your ass is on fire. On the other hand [self lawyer mode] i am the ONLY one that is not swearing to others that have different opinions than me (and i'm not calling them names too), and only talk about music i know for good, in opposition to you for example[/self lawyer mode]
Erik said:

imagine what you'd think of me if i wasn't one of the older regulars around

if i came in here now as a newbie and tried pulling my usual bullshit i would be banned faster than i could say "ur mum nignog"

lmfao, that funny 'cuz it is true. :tickled:
beh i don't try hard, this is a funnythread if you didnt notice

IOfTheStorm said:
i am the ONLY one that is not swearing to others that have different opinions than me
because you're a good christian like that :tickled: