IOfTheStorm, you faggot, get in here

Doomcifer said:
That could be very true. But let me ask you this: Why? Because he is hard-headed in his way and has convictions that he is ready to fight about/for? Nothing really wrong with that.

In my experience with IotS, he's been ready to call me names for contravening his convictions, then wait for me to argue my side of the story before dismissing it without really answering anything. This is not standing up for your convictions. I've invited him twice to explain to me why he thinks I live in a dream world, but he either refuses, or doesn't care. Either way, he's not a hero fighting for some underdog cause :loco:
@ Demilich
And you are whining just because i say that crap00)))))))))))) are worthless. That's it, that's the ONLY case, admit it. Basically you are a douche because i only comment on bands/music, and never (or extremely rarely - and then it is an obvious joke that only Nad will probably understand) on people. On the other hand YOU (and most people here) are ready to comment on me when i bash a band, and not on what i say against the x band or the x music. But i like it cause it's funny, so please don't stop.
My comments on you have absolutely nothing to do with your dismissal of drone as music. That's part of what represents to me a narrowminded, dismissive, exclusive attitude about genre and music in general (specifically trad. doom and prog as others have said), and that attitude is my problem with you. I could care less whether you think Sunn O))) is music, I'm not even the biggest fan of their music anyway. Also, you can stop trying to tell me what I think whenever you wish, it's not true and thus your argument against me is based on something that came from your own mind, making it pretty much useless eh?

Edit: Also, I'm perfectly civil and have constructive musical discussions with you as long as your "orthodox" attitude is kept at bay. I respect your taste in music and have recieved some great recommendations from you, its simply when you try to tell other people what ot believe that I get a little pissed!
Ten thousand lolerz on the last sentence, because that's your constant attitude on every post i make, and this attitude is glorified in your post above because i never dismissed drone as music, just CRAP0)).
Demilich said:
Edit: Also, I'm perfectly civil and have constructive musical discussions with you as long as your "orthodox" attitude is kept at bay. I respect your taste in music and have recieved some great recommendations from you, its simply when you try to tell other people what ot believe that I get a little pissed!
Dude you just said "you are a moron" because i said that "if we are to talk about doom metal, traditional doom has the upper hand", W T F are you talking about?
But dismissing drone as music/crap/whatever is only a small part of the issue. It's also about how you think everything you know about trad. doom, etc. is undisputable fact. I know it isn't fair to call people morons, etc. and I don't plan to keep doing that to you. I'll even say that I'm sorry for it. In the future I'll keep my disagreements with you limited to purely musical discussion.
IOfTheStorm said:
Dude you just said "you are a moron" because i said that "if we are to talk about doom metal, traditional doom has the upper hand", W T F are you talking about?

This is my point. You think you have some kind of special knowledge that allows you to decide which type of music has "the upper hand" in discussion. I don't try to tell you you're wrong and I know you're wrong, simply that people who disagree with you won't be any more right/wrong than you are. Go ahead and think trad doom has the upper hand when we talk about doom metal, thats your perogative, but its not the be-all-and-end-all.
Do any of you every actually step back and realize how gay your disagreements are? What are we talking about here? :lol:
Dick Sirloin said:
Do any of you every actually step back and realize how gay your disagreements are? What are we talking about here? :lol:
BTW I'm not trying to be a peacemaker or anything
It is pretty gay. What it all boils down to for me is that I'm pretty much getting in an argument over "Can't we all just get along?"

Yeah, gay.

You know what else is gay? Calling things gay.
Dick Sirloin said:
Do any of you every actually step back and realize how gay your disagreements are? What are we talking about here? :lol:

oh, you know, girl stuff, it's hormones..

They'll all kiss and make up, until the next hot hunk comes between them again.
I mean just the fact that it's an internet message board and you're arguing with someone on the other side of the world who you've never met, and you're arguing over "trad doom vs drone" and internet "demeanors."
Well i agree with Dick, that's the EXACT reason Demilich that i was always answering to you with a "you live in a dream world" thing, and never cared to say anything more to you. I find it stupid to say some things that are standard, yet you fail to see them and try to "excuse myself" when you (or the thread starter) "accuse" me for a behavior that is absolutely embraced by others (especially the thread starter).
Disclaimer: This argument isn't about trad doom vs. drone, as much as IotS may want it to be. That just makes it easier for him to dismiss my side of it.