Krilons Resa
Jerry's married?!
lizard said:it's a technique I learned from nadatar.
I never noticed that guy in the back beforehe's like, holy fuck brotha, don't hit that *wince*
"holy fuck brotha"

lizard said:it's a technique I learned from nadatar.
I never noticed that guy in the back beforehe's like, holy fuck brotha, don't hit that *wince*
MFJ said:haha cool. go on AIM sometime you nig
you can set them to be less intrusive (except msn which is the most poorly written and intrusive program ever) so basically i usually dont notice if people send me messages until like 16 hours laterNADatar said:Chat programs are gay, I hate them shitz. Boards are way better because you only have to pay attention when you feel like it, and don't have some god damn window always flashing at the bottom of your screen going BLOOP! or some other half-assed 2.3 notes from a Zeppelin riff sampled at 16k.
static > dynamic
everyone uses icq in swedenConspicuously Absent said:and I dislike ICQ because it looks like poo and most people don't use it anyway.