I was pretty disappointed in Andromeda's new release "II=I"
It's defintely not nearly as powerful and promising as "Extention of the wish."
The production on "Extention" was way the hell cleaner. The riffs were way better and heavier and not meshuggah half-shit assed. The solos were EXCELLENT and memorable, especially the guitar/keyboard interplay. The songwriting was all done by Johan reinholds, and it was very fucking excellent, catchy as a mad mother. Also, the session vocalist for the album lawrence Mackrory was absolutely amazing. His work with darkane was incredible, but on this...he had such range and diversity. Andromeda should have like kept this guy for "II=I", but the new guy just absolutely blows...he has no range and he sounds like he's clogged up. Andromeda had something going with "Extention", but this new one is horrible. The new Evergrey "Recreation Day" is the best prog album yet to come out this year. But hey, Johan is still cool, i mean Nonexist - dues deceptor is a very amazing album as well. I hope the next andromeda record has better production, songwriting, riffs, and virtousity. oh yeah get rid of the new shit singer...