New Chat/Off Topic Forum


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Hi guys :)

After talking with the webmaster of, we've created a subforum here for off-topic (ie, non-Opeth and non-Music) discussion. This isn't to try and censor people, but more to clear the board a little so those Opeth-related topics which new members may come here for aren't buried.

It'd be appreciated if everyone can use the new forum for general chat and community pissing about ;) Don't forget, UM also has a Chat board as well as the illustrious HATE PIT, where spewing angst and venom at all and sundry is welcomed - nay, encouraged! :p

I hope the new forum is welcomed with not too much gnashing of teeth, and that the Opeth community can continue to grow.

Cheers! \m/
The idea has grown in me for a while and im much more receptive to this new forum. However i hope this division does not obstruct the standart average posts per day, it would be a shame to loose one of the highlights of the forum: hyperactivity. However this possibility is quite...unlikely to happen.
Dudes, is it just me or does it feel EMPTIER than when all the threads were combined? I've been here all day and it doesn't feel "community-like" anymore. :cry:

See, this is what happens when you segregate shit..bah! I miss the one big happy family - music, arguments, off-topic shit, opeth...
I think I could possibly now read all the threads at least in Opeth forum.
But where do you draw the line between On Topic/Off Topic threads?
Well, that's not a problem for me 'cause I rarely post new threads :p

I think the change was for better.
Originally posted by Jannet
Dudes, is it just me or does it feel EMPTIER than when all the threads were combined? I've been here all day and it doesn't feel "community-like" anymore. :cry:

See, this is what happens when you segregate shit..bah! I miss the one big happy family - music, arguments, off-topic shit, opeth...

Let's hope it works in the long run.
This shows how hard it is for people to adjust to something different - even if it's something as miniscule as this.

Why make any deal at all over something like this - it's just one extra click - plus, now I know where to find all the garbage :D
Drowning in rutines is a human process to avoid confrontation with problems of life, only a very faulty one because it builds unreleased tension until it finds its way out one way or another...really sad...