Andy and friends...question about mic preamps

Cool, Stuck Mojo sounds awsome! How about Testament - The Gathering... it sounds killer was that API'ed guitars too?
WOW all PT! Amazing, Great job Andy. There are some fantastic tones on that album. Now if only I could authorize the little plug ins I should have I woudl be happy. I understand them not wanting people to pirate the stuff. But Damn! It's harder to authorize the shit then it is work in it! Thanks Andy. Hey you finish mixing the AE DVD?
Andy Sneap said:
Live stuffs done just about, how are you having problems authorizing the plug ins??? What are you running, trying to run??
I have Amplitude, and waves. I bought the ilok and registered through thier site. I put in the huge serial numbers. But its asking for a response to a really strange "challenge". And I just dont know what the response is. I e-mailed Digidesign support and went through every step they gave me and still nothing. Now it looks like I have to pay $100 an hour for some geek to come and set it up. Im having serious problem with my set up right now. Im by no means even close to your level of recording or have the killer pre's but I do allot of demos for local young bands. And its really putting a damper on things. Any suggestions??.
I think there are a couple different threads in the PT forum about troubleshotting Ilok problems. I think one of the stupidist things to come about in the past ten years w/ audio programs are these super invasive anti-piracy systems like ilok and pace that cause far more problems for the users that buy the programs than the guys that crack them. If you pay several grand for pluggins you shouldn't have to fight to get your system to accept the install. It's total bullshit.
First post here... so be easy on me.

I have Neve 1272, Avalon 2022 and Avalon 737s in my studio. For guitars, I go back and forth between the 2022 and the Neves. The Neves have more low-mid girth and the Avalon has more bite. For Kick/Snare/Vox it's 737 all the way. The comp in the 737 is really nice on Vox. I can knock off 10db on the vocal and you can barely hear the compressor kick in.
Are you running OS9??? Is the USB ILok extension on??? This can cause problems. You need to go to the plug in manufacture web site, not digi, tell them the question and they'll provide the response. All you do it cut and paste it in when asked.
Any opinions here on Chandler preamps for guitars, like the TG-2, or should I still go for the API3124+..? I di'd check out the Focusrite 428, but i'd like something fatter...
Eddy (RawMachine) said:
I like the TG2, I recently compared a TG2 to a BA 1073, a BA 1272, a BA API and a Cranesong Flamingo.

I didn't like much the API, it was my last choice.

I ended up with one mic to a 1073 and another to a TG2.

Ok, cool!
May I ask what you did like about the Chandler, Neve and what you diden't like about the API?
What I liked about the Neve and the Chandler was the color that it gave to the midrange, while the API would give a "color" that I didn't like.

I would classify them for guitar as:

Neve 1073 - Adding a "good" color to the midrange
Chandler TG2 - The same but different flavour.
Flamingo - Neutral.
Api - The midrange seems to get smoother.

Although it was the least favorite for the guitar, they are my favorite preamps for drums.
blackcom said:
But aren't Brent Avrill clones...? I was thinking more towards the real A

The BA APIs and Neves I have are the ones made of original components.
The Apis are made from modules from the 70s, as almost all equipment the new ones are brighter in relation to the old ones. I compared both and the old ones sound punchier and clearer than the new ones.