Andy and Russ Russell video

I really love the bit on ITB processing and EQ curves. Talking about how OTB you just turn the knobs until it's right, but if you were to transpose the subsequent curve to a paragraphic EQ you'd think 'wait, no that looks totally wrong!'. It's so darned true, and so indicative of how we mix with our eyes just as much as ears. It's one of the reasons that the appropriate UI is so important ITB. I noticed as soon as I started using the Waves SSL Channel years back over the REQ that I started using my ears a lot more rather than relying on my eyes to help me find problem areas. More recently, most of my outboard compressors aren't labeled, or if they are it's just with arbitrary numbers (Distressor and Overstayer), so I really have to listen for what that compression is doing rather than saying 'okay, this is a snare, so attack at 20ms, release 100ms, ratio 6:1, put it on, sweet we're done'. So cool to hear Andy going more OTB again for those reasons. I hope that AWS 900 is working out, and I look forward to hearing it in action on more records.
One of the cooler vids I've watched lately. Fair point about getting bored/ stale after too long with the same band. If only metallic learned that earlier :p
I giggled a little at the eq curve part... I know when I do something crazy and it sounds good, I look at the UI and go.. "bad thats terrible, it must sound shit" haha it's a bad habit sadly
That's why the SSL Channel is great, Chris. If you dime the knobs, you know you're doing it like CLA and Staub would! Now if only the plug-in actually sounded anything like the hardware when it gets dimed.... that's a different story :lol: