Andy, what's your favorite mix/record to date?

I think he said he likes how Staub handels Bass, he like Terry date's stuff and he loves the black album by metallica.

tbh I don't think he'll be too impressed with most stuff on here, after all 99% of it is just a sneap-ripoff with Sneap/Slate samples and the same presets over and over again... not very original/unique sounding :(

But there are still people here that does it for a living, and once a while threads pop-up that are really useful :) So i haven't lost hope for this forum yet :)

And apart from the vocals on Doomsday i think that mix is my favorite. The clarity,tightness and the separation is awesome :) The overheads are amazing, so is the guitars and that uber tight kick
Well, this is the Andy Sneap forum, so don't you think people come here trying to get mixes that sound like Andy's? :lol:

That being said, I didn't even know who Andy Sneap was when I first started posting here. I was simply interested in recording and metal, and I heard about this forum from a friend. I thought it would be cool to check out a forum where people shared my interests. I hadn't noticed Sneap's mixes in particular before that, and I still don't really listen to anything he's done, to be honest (no disrespect intended at all, that's just not the type of stuff I listen to). This forum has a lot more to offer than just getting Sneap-like mixes, and I still love it here.
tbh I don't think he'll be too impressed with most stuff on here, after all 99% of it is just a sneap-ripoff with Sneap/Slate samples and the same presets over and over again... not very original/unique sounding :(

Hey! i may use a 5150 but its miced Fredman Style and I dont use any of the slate presets / snare 5a or kick 10! I am all about that black album kit!!! ughhhh ... kidding!

Actually last band I did was Panty Kick and Snare with Maple Toms and real OH's

The reason why so many mixes on here sound the same is due to the fact that somsone hears that "so and so" did this to get a certain sound on their mix and 90% of the noobs here jump on it. Thats why Slate / 5150 / Catharsis Impulses / Recabinet have become a staple around here. Those of us that work on other peoples material and not our own know the difference between using those plugins / presets / techniques to get it to sound like Sneap and knowing which of those techniques to use when we record other bands to get a particular sound.

That being said, Sneaps 5150 settings are my baseline whenever I start re-amping a session / track guitars. From there I tweak where necessary to fit within the context of the band / production I am working on.

I think there are quite a few great productions that come out of this forum that dont sound like Sneap clones. Lasse, your mixes fucking rock, Mr. frickers sure sound tasty, as well as Joeys. I also like Ola's mixes and Jeffs even though they are closer to the Sneap sound.
oh i dont have a favourite and I don't compare bands to bands either. The comment that the Arch Enemy mix is better than Killswitch mix is irrelevant as each mix is taken on an individual basis with the tracking I've been given and mixed according to the songs/band. I'll also listen to something like the Gathering (for instance ) now and all I hear are faults and it takes me back to mixing it, which sometimes is very stressful or difficult.
I still think Staub is great, Colin also is still doing great work but I'm not that up on everything, especially underground stuff as I just don't get time.
oh i dont have a favourite and I don't compare bands to bands either. The comment that the Arch Enemy mix is better than Killswitch mix is irrelevant as each mix is taken on an individual basis with the tracking I've been given and mixed according to the songs/band. I'll also listen to something like the Gathering (for instance ) now and all I hear are faults and it takes me back to mixing it, which sometimes is very stressful or difficult.
I still think Staub is great, Colin also is still doing great work but I'm not that up on everything, especially underground stuff as I just don't get time.


I thought thats the way you would do it, and thats the way I would if I was mixing and recording bands :D
Going back and listening to your old work really sucks from a personal perspective. You hear so many things you would have done differently

i listen to some of the old stuff I did and say ... HOW THE FUCK DID I EVER GET PAID FOR THIS!