Andy and Russ Russell video

Great video - also really appreciated Andy's honesty about the quality of both bands and musicians when compared to the past. While I know some here don't feel the same as me that the glut of cookie cutter music is really driving me mad these days and music created over the past half decade is simply not as creative or of the quality and originality that we've experienced in the past. The genie is probably out of the bottle and the music industry is probably never going to return to the point that those with the real talent are the ones that become our public examples of whats good about music and musicianship - we are in the days of Justin Bieber and "American Idol" where music plays little role in those that succeed and get held up as respected artists.

Just my 2 cents - as always your mileage may vary. Great video though - certainly more would be appreciated.
When I met Russ at BOA I told him about this "un-edited/longer" version and he said he knows the people who do the video's so he'd have a word about getting a longer version up...there was drink involved however so he might have forgotten =p