Jan 17, 2006
Hey Andy just wondering if you put reverb on your drums while mixing them?Or is it all put on your samples ahead of time.
Also what type of verb are you using?

Thanks Andy-Metal will never be the same!
"Doomsday Machine - Drum Reverb - DVerb in Pro Tools, same verb on snare and toms.
Toms: Natural, no triggers."

"57's on snare, 91's and sm52's on kicks, 609's on toms and KM84's or SM81's on ohs. Ride I'll mic from underneath, I'll alway close mic the china, and the cymbals I'll try and mic in pairs, trying to avoid hi hats. I will mic hats obviously.

I'll also put d drum triggers on every drum, so I have the option to use these in the gate side chain later, and sound replacer triggers better from the transducer than the mic.
I'll usually replace kick with sample 100% and snare will be a mixture.

Room mic, I'll always put a stereo mic (rodes NT4) about 6 foot in front of kit, can be nice in slower sections, also helps cymbals."

- Andy

Also, try the search function. :)