Andy:Reverb on Drums:all drums, drum buss, some drums?


Still Learning
Sep 26, 2003
Bogota, Colombia
Andy and Friends:

How do you apply reverb to drums? You send ALL drums (kick,snare,hats,toms,over heads), to the reverb processor/plug-in , you put a reverb on the drum buss, with all drums assigned to the buss, or just send some drums to the reverb, in this case, which drums do you send to the processor.

Thanks in Advance!!!
Hi Alejandro and others,

i send the drums through one bus with a renaissance compressor and an enveloper
( transient designer simulation ) except for the bassdrum, that goes straight to the mix because my BD is allready compressed.
Then i send the snare and all toms to a reverb bus ( with an FX send )
that is routed to the drum bus. Usually i give more reverb to the snare than to the toms, but i hope this is just personal taste.The overheads get nearly nothing but a bit, although i don't think you can hear it in the mix, but i do it.
The hihat has a bit more than the overheads and the ride gets nearly nothing again.

i don't use an eq on the reverb, just the small one that is in the true verb plugin.

so, my BD is dry in general, except for some effect parts.

That is what i do - tell me what you think about, please!
bye, alex