editing toms

Decay times vary for the tom vs. cymbal bleed. Higher toms usually get about 4-500 ms decay, whereas a floor tom could get 1.5 seconds. Again, it really depends on the amount of cymbals bleeding into the mics, so it comes down to the drummer. That's how I deal with it, anyway.

SawStudio has a great function to apply gating to your tracks. The nice feature is you can add a "reverse attack" to it, say about 2 ms, so the gate will open before the tom hit.... Once you're set up, just 'apply effects" and watch it strip out all the crap between tom shots..... just remember to turn the gate off once it's done. Talk about a time saver!

As for verb, I usually go with one verb for the whole kit. I like drums to sound "in the room" if you will.
