Cheap way to reamp.

I'd like to have a final opinion on the reversed passive DI stuff. I don't see any problem (except the potential amount of background noise) using this signal path:
Line out--->DI--->reversed passive DI---->Amp.
Andy or James maybe? :worship:
abigailwilliams said:
I know this has been talked about to death but I am getting ready to do some reamping myself. i moved into an apt this month from a house. I now need to rethink the way I track. Im going drums somewhere else so thats not going to be a problem but i wont be able to get away with micing my amp in here.

I need to figure out the best way to do this. I have somebody hooking me up with the pod xt pro just to track with. The problem is i dont have 1000 bucks to buy one of these nice reamping deals. i know i need something to split the guitar signal with. Ive looked around online and it seems like the RADIAL X-AMP will do this. I dont know if these are crap or what perhaps someone can tell me that. so thats all good and fine for splitting the signal so i can have one clean track going in and one of pod going in at the same time, but when its time to go back to the amp do i want to use the same box? or do i want something like the reamp box (the actual one called that). this reamping stuff is confusing me trying to figure out everything i need to buy.

Another thing i need to find out about is latency. Am i going to have a problem with this using pro tools LE and reamping? any experiences with this?

I have been doing some research on reaming, and it seems like the Radial xamp and the original reamp and also little labs's Redeye are the best ones to use when you are sending the signal back into the amp.The Redeye work both ways, but if you choose on of the other boxes you'll have to also get a Di box, i'm thinking about buying the Radial J48(179 dollars) or the Jdv mkIII(399 dollars)myself.They have a really good reputation, but they are a little expensive, but i'm sure they are worth every cent.
I'm not sure about older Pro Tools hardware or software, but I'm using an Mbox with 6.7, and it seems to compensate for latency... even when I'm recording with a 1024-sample hardware buffer, as long as I don't get thrown off by how late my input monitor is (and I often mute the tracks that are recording for that reason), when I play the newly recorded tracks back, they do line up with the previously recorded tracks. Reamping shouldn't be any different if you're using a regular amp and not a Pod or something that has some latency onboard.
Disconnekt said:
I'm not sure about older Pro Tools hardware or software, but I'm using an Mbox with 6.7, and it seems to compensate for latency... even when I'm recording with a 1024-sample hardware buffer, as long as I don't get thrown off by how late my input monitor is (and I often mute the tracks that are recording for that reason), when I play the newly recorded tracks back, they do line up with the previously recorded tracks. Reamping shouldn't be any different if you're using a regular amp and not a Pod or something that has some latency onboard.
right on yea, ive noticed the same thing, as long as i mute the track im recording on im good. i was just making sure there was no latency as far as sending the signal to the amp and then having it come back in to record.
OK one more DI question: The 001 gives me several choices as to what Input Gain settings I can use (Hardware Setup). If I'm recording a guitar signal straight from a direct box, what setting should this be at? My choices for the 1/4" inputs are:

+7 dB
+4 dB
+1 dB (-10 dBV Line)
-2 db (-8 dBV Inst.)
-5 db
-8 db
-11 db
-14 db (+4 dBu Line)

Edit: And if I'm using a Redeye, the output is an XLR. Should I purchase a balanced XLR -> 1/4" cable or go straight to the XLR input on the 001? Does it matter? Thanks!!
OK, I'm not really reading these posts, cause theres so many but my advice would be if you don't have a decent DI and Reamp yet, go for the Little Labs Red Eye. I have the PIP and the Phase Tool by Little Labs and love the quality, with the Red Eye you get a great Passive DI and Reamp in one and its a good price.

If youre using an M Box, its a bit tricky tracking like this cause when you are monitoring , you'll get the clean DI coming through as well, there's no way to mute this as you are tracking, so you'll just have to put up with it.
Andy Sneap said:
OK, I'm not really reading these posts, cause theres so many but my advice would be if you don't have a decent DI and Reamp yet, go for the Little Labs Red Eye. I have the PIP and the Phase Tool by Little Labs and love the quality, with the Red Eye you get a great Passive DI and Reamp in one and its a good price.

If youre using an M Box, its a bit tricky tracking like this cause when you are monitoring , you'll get the clean DI coming through as well, there's no way to mute this as you are tracking, so you'll just have to put up with it.

i followed andy´s advice some months ago and got myself a red eye. It is also a signal splitter. So it´s 3 functions in one product. As i had none it was the way to go.
Genius Gone Insane said:
OK one more DI question: The 001 gives me several choices as to what Input Gain settings I can use (Hardware Setup). If I'm recording a guitar signal straight from a direct box, what setting should this be at? My choices for the 1/4" inputs are:

+7 dB
+4 dB
+1 dB (-10 dBV Line)
-2 db (-8 dBV Inst.)
-5 db
-8 db
-11 db
-14 db (+4 dBu Line)

Edit: And if I'm using a Redeye, the output is an XLR. Should I purchase a balanced XLR -> 1/4" cable or go straight to the XLR input on the 001? Does it matter? Thanks!!

Anyone want to reply to this? Please?
Should I purchase a balanced XLR -> 1/4" cable or go straight to the XLR input on the 001? Does it matter?

That's the way to go dude. ;) DI output match with mic input.