Andy OH treatment??


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
Hey people.
I was doing some analytical listening the other day and while going through some of Andy's work i noticed some thing i would like to discuss in an attempt to clear it up for me.
I have been under the impression that Andy uses one mic per cymbal, or one mic per cymbal pair, yet in his mixes it sounds to me as though all the cymbals are panned hard L-R, making it sound like basic OH's.
Now, going to all this trouble of micing a kit with tons of mics, i would personaly prefer to do something more interesting with the panning of the cymbals so as to make it be known that i worked hard and got a fuckin sweet result a la Andy.
Writing this i did think of one thing tho, is it so as to get a clear sound out of each cybmal and its hit, but not have to worry about spilage and a fucked up stereo image if things were panned all over the place??

All help appreciated. Cheers.
