Andy wtf?!?


AKA Porn-Fingers
Jun 29, 2003
Ok....I was searching on the net for a certain bassist and this is what i came across that amused me...

If you go to the link you see Mr Sneap and he was asked

"What's your opinion on the rising tide of the Anti-American feeling around the world and which would be the reason for this?"

And his reply was

"The reason? The White Stripes I guess."

Im not trying to spark up a debate about the USA and whatnot that surrounds it, just thought it would be a funny thing to see and share.

I also thought it would be nice if we could hear from Andy if he actually did say that or are they just making some bullshit up? :wave:
Between Andy and James' respective comments on the question, I'd say we have the perfect mix of sarcasm and rationale, yes? :)

I'm really down with the extreme viewpoint of that Cerberus guy, though. It's actually nice to see an NSBMer that has some substance to back up their conviction.
Moonlapse said:
Between Andy and James' respective comments on the question, I'd say we have the perfect mix of sarcasm and rationale, yes? :)

I'm really down with the extreme viewpoint of that Cerberus guy, though. It's actually nice to see an NSBMer that has some substance to back up their conviction.

The best way to undermine a truth is to take elements of it and distort them, and by doing so affecting how the original truths are perceived. This is exactly what NSBMers do. It shows such a lack of historical perspective and balanced investigation. By taking a narrow view of these forces, all one accomplishes is more half-baked ideas that marginalize any movement.
Moonlapse said:
Alrighty, I take that 2nd part back then :)

heh, not trying to discourage thought at all, even if "controversial". I think such a shallow take on NS is just silly, thats all. A "movement" has to be built on more than finger pointing.
D thread was asking for it, I swears guv'ner! :D

But yeah I think the most interesting comments are the ones who don't take themselves too seriously. I don't really like it when comments in response to a question like that get overly political. I always feel that musicians, being musicians, tend to miss some part of the picture. As Justin cited there, the NSBM viewpoint is terribly one-sided, but I suppose fortunately enough at least some substance was attempted to be provided.
I also find it funny that other Western capitalist populations can display such outrage at the US when the mechanics of their countries are nearly identical. Youll often see me harp about the importance of a basic education in political science/infrastructure and comments like those in the link are evidence of this failing.

Power politics is NOT new, NOT an American invention, etc. etc. What fundamentally seperates say, France and the US, is the means and ability to influence. Pick up a book on European decolonization (you wanna talk about cover ups and people blind to the truth) and youll see nice, peaceful EU nations doing things 30 years ago that make anything the current US Govt. is doing look absolutely tame in comparison.
Andy Sneap said:
more importantly the White Stripes are crap, lets face it.

I think that's the one thing we can all agree on, it's not much, but it's a stepping stone towards a utopian society where off-time drum beats are a thing of the past.