Andy wtf?!?

i just look at comments like the At Vance guy's and i just can't beiieve what i'm reading...... is he really as big a simpleton as his comment makes him seem, or is does he really have some deep thoughts on this subject but can't express them due to poor english skills? as much as i hate to make presumptions about anyone else's basic intelligence, i'd wager most readily on the former.... but, perhaps i'm wrong. ah well.... how 'bout them tits on Meg, eh? nevermind the rest of her...:ill:
Lee_B said:
They sound like what happens when the drummer and guitar player switch instruments during a rehearsal. That's usually the time for everyone else in the band to get a coffee or take a dump.

So right. My christraping blastbeat escapades in the rehearsal room don't go down too well with the band - nor the inhouse engineers, that's for sure.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Editting so's not to look silly. Smooth!
hey there hoppy... maybe take a page from andy's book in that regard and think about "editting" your post for "spelllering".:tickled::tickled::tickled:

WingsofRedemption said:
And what's with "Get behind me satan" They are about as satanic as kermit the frog, come on they mean what I am thinking???
no, they don't. that phrase is very old... several centuries old... came from "get thee behind me, Satan"... an old saying to ward off evil.