andy andy .....


Mar 18, 2007

Do you even consider/possible to mix maybe 2-3 songs for a demo band?
and what would that cost for a "andy sneap fan member" :headbang:
or even better would you like to join the band hehe

or else upload a PT guideline session :) I would send you my left ......or make a deal with my wife, but that would cost alot since I have to fly her over haha :kickass:

would be cool if you would share some pictures of your studio for us to drowl on!

cheers! love your stuff!
you mean no to everything?

If its potentional in the music, the producer can get a very good deal on the songs...wouldnt you take the bet?
I'm pretty sure Andy picks who he wants to mix/produce...however, if you are a good enough band, and if you are willing to pay any price, he'd probably go for it...

I'm not speaking for Andy, but if I were him, that would be my policy
just send him a PM, or an e-mail, maybe he'll respond, maybe he won't...but you don't have anything to lose
Can we put it in a sticky to

a) not beg for more free "Andy samples" (because it makes me feel uncomfortable and ashamed for the beggar ... I don't know if I am alone with that feeling here?)


b) not ask for production prices publicly when there is the easy PM button?
The whole sample and preset thing usually gets to me as well but i'm starting to realize that people will never stop this. They dont understand that it's not samples or plug-in presets.

It's like thinking that if you buy a certain guitar that so and so plays you will be just as good or if you get the new michael jordan shoes you will be airborne as soon as they touch your feet. :lol:
I think what gets me is the overall reliance on samples. They're almost traded around like currency here. Whilst it is cool to have some in your bag of tricks to pull out when you don't have the ability to do a decent tracking job yourself... people are going to them as a first resort rather than a last, and it's a bit disappointing.
That's why I haven't given away my best samples :)

Honestly, I hardly even think recording is fun when you just take prefabricated sounds from someone else's work. It's like, "Woo-hoo, these drums I'm working on sound killer but I deserve no credit whatsoever!".