andy sneap: records to a seperate system drive or external drive?

got 4 drives in the mac pro and backup to a laCie - Pro tools.
If its an album project, I often make the band buy their own laCie and Track to that
I record to a internal drive, archive to an external eSATA drive. Recently changed my drive configuration with my new OS build so now it is OS/Programs on a 250GB internal drive, Sample Libraries on a 1TB internal drive, Audio/Project Folder on internal 500GB drive, Archive on external 1TB eSATA drive, system backup on external 500GB drive (split between system backup and backups of downloaded libraries/program installers and such.) I also have a Corsair Flash Voyager GT 32GB thumb drive I use when going mobile with my laptop - have had no issues with transfer rates.)
PT LE and internal drive for the most part

I have used my fw external drive (both WD, 7500, 500 gb) and have never had any problems but after archiving a bunch of old stuff I just use the external as a backup.
internal or external SATA 2 cable connection much better. I use external firewire 400 HD but notice little initialization delay, data transfer seems ok.
I use an eSATA drive. It was horrendous trying to find a setup that worked with no problems, but I got it all figured out now(my MB eSata hardware caused problems, went with a separate card and had problems, found another PCIe card that works great). I'm sure it would catch on more if eSATA ports were a standard, but they aren't. It's alot easier for someone with a Mac or PC to just plug into their fire-wire port.

I initially had a bitch of time getting my external eSATA drive bays working with Win 7 x64. I ended up getting a Rosewill RC-216 controller card to replace what I had and it now works without any issues.
I initially had a bitch of time getting my external eSATA drive bays working with Win 7 x64. I ended up getting a Rosewill RC-216 controller card to replace what I had and it now works without any issues.

Yeah I think all the early issues have finaly been worked out.

It is very nice to have internal data transfer speeds outside of the PC though. I probably won't go back to a FW drive now.
On my own setup I chain a Lacie Quadra to my Profire with FW400 (my laptop's a Macbook Pro). Used to use FW800 but it disturbed the Profire and made it drop out. Haven't had any issues so I haven't thought about getting an eSata card or anything yet.
Internal sata HD for recording/mixing and a other internal for backup. And of course my external HD for second backup:Saint:
Protools LE 7.3 - Windows XP - "ProTools" only SATA drive.

Logic 8 - Mac OSX - "Studio 500Gb" drive, FW800

Both are session file exclusives.

I always burn audio files to DVD, with original session.
Final session file gets uploaded to server... that way if I lose work, I can just grab the DVD and pull off the audio and it's back to the way it was (relink files sometimes, depending).
I record to an internal SATA and then backup to a external HD. A lot record to external, but as a few mentioned, I feel safer not dealing with the connection. I trust the internal more and then backing up to be safe.
Huh... does it work well? I tried to record to a flash drive once and it didn't really work.

Never had problems. You might wanna use a card with a higher speed rating/bandwidth though (Ultra, Extreme...).

It's super convenient for a mobile solution. I'm always getting paranoid about someone tripping over the cable of an external drive, not happening if you have an internal card reader.

Internal SSD drives are even better (performance) and they're rock solid due to the absence of moving parts.