f.A.O Andy Sneap


Jul 7, 2005
Hey Andy,

I'm just setting up a little project studio and the building is in an industrial area, Ideally we want 3 phase power but it could cost £5000 + to install (Laying a cable under the road!). So I'm tempted to bite the bullet and just use a single phase rig

Does your new studio use 3 phase power??
Was the original Backstage setup run off single or three phase?

Any advice andy would be much appreciated

-Pharrell :rock:
3 phase is best obviously if you can get it. We're just on single phase here as it was SO expensive (£30000) to get a new supply put in, seems to be ok though.
Most residental (UK) homes have a 1 phase power source, which basically means you have one main power source to your house which feeds your lighting / sockets/ heating etc....this can cause interference with musical equipment. A 3 phase system seperates these out to reduce any possible interference....
Looks like we'll be going down the single phase route....

you can get a surge protector installed on your system incase your neighbour fires up his weilder mid way through your intimate vocal session....!!!

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
One great way to avoid noise problems with your power is to install outlets with an isolated ground. Yes, they're fucking ugly, but they are a lifesaver.
Basically, it's a 4 wire system. Hot, Cold, Ground 1 for the box, and Ground 2 for the ground pin. Ground 2 doesn't share with anything else. Each outlet gets its own breaker/circuit on the panel. I installed 3 of these outlets in my place, and every time a noise problem has cropped up, plugging into one of these has made it go away.
I'm fortunate to have an electrician in the family, because I never would have thought this up on my own!

Here's a pic of the outlet during construction. The green triangle indicates the isolated ground

Do as above. And if you wire up quality and you dont cross signal and digital and power lines and you get a noisey output, but yourself a power conditioner. I have a Monster Cable one thats about $500 and its really nice. Clears up a lot. Also I run a Spectron digital amp for my monitoring. And even though my power is pretty clean, if I bypass the Monster supply, the output transformer in the amp buzzes like mad. Plug back into the Monster and its gone. The thing works.
