Collective questions for Mr. Sneap -thread

"^Good first post"

"You can't make sound huge, because it can't push that much air, it's simple physics. You can make it good probably though, that is if the amp is tonally ok, and if you experiment."

Thanks for the responses, I'll give it a try and see how it turns out. I need to get a 4x12 to run it through, it would be a nice addition to the studio anyways, I'm sure the neighbors would love that.

Thanks again guys
Mr. Sneap or anyone with an opinion again :-)

I find that I get a lot of "whoomph" for use of a better word when I start getting my mix together, after some searching I noticed it mainly comes from the kick drum. I've been keeping an eye on making sure the guitars and the bass are not interfering with the lower frequencies but it still sounds "loose" or "whoomphy". I have noticed if I use a multiband compressor on the lower frequencies (100hz down) with a fast attack and a mid to long release that seems to help out but I guess I'm worried that I might be killing the groove. Any ideas or tips, I'm really just worried about loosing the balls of my mix.

Thanks guys

If you're after less "whoomph" (which probably means more "boom"?) then a multiband compressor is not a bad idea, but instead of a fast attack and a long release try a slow attack and a short release to let the transient pass through and reduce that whoomph (again if I understand you correctly).
If you're after less "whoomph" (which probably means more "boom"?) then a multiband compressor is not a bad idea, but instead of a fast attack and a long release try a slow attack and a short release to let the transient pass through and reduce that whoomph (again if I understand you correctly).

Thanks for the response, yeah I think its a mix between "boom" and what I'm calling "whoomph". Its that frequency that makes your head resonate in a bad way, the only other example I can think of is when your driving really fast and you crack open one or two of your windows and the car starts that weird intense rattling that hurts your ears. I hope that makes sense lol. I guess my room could also have some tuning problems?

I'll try switching the attack and release and see how that works out.


Any thoughts on doing an instructional video or maybe a video of going through the proccess of tracking to mixing to mastering? Nothing crazy indepth (even thought that would be cool also) but just an inside look into the world of extreme metal recording. I don't think anyone has done that yet.

I just noticed on the Metric Halo site that Andy is stated as a user of the CS..
Are you / is he still using it ?
Quick workflow question Mr Sneap.

Now you mix with an aws900, so how much tracks do you split out on the console (main individual track and PT sub grouping coming on stereo pair of channel or only sub grouping from PT)?
How do you split out your FX (individual channel, stereo pair or maybe direct inject as the XL (don't know if aws have those to be honest)?

yes still using metric halo.

re the ssl, I'll bring the mix out in stems, so kick nat, kick sample, snare nat, snare sample, toms stereo, cymbals, room, etc etc. I'm still doing all the automation in pro tools and still most of the eq and compression tho I'll use the desk if I feel like it. Its a nice work flow, feels more creative.
re the ssl, I'll bring the mix out in stems, so kick nat, kick sample, snare nat, snare sample, toms stereo, cymbals, room, etc etc. I'm still doing all the automation in pro tools and still most of the eq and compression tho I'll use the desk if I feel like it. Its a nice work flow, feels more creative.

Thanks for the clarification Andy, I really appreciate:rock:
Mr. Sneap
So at this moment what are your preferences for guitar parameters such a wood, pickups passive/active, strings gauge etc.
Andy, massive fan of your work and enjoyed the extreme metal production masterclass.. Spectrum analysers NO! Reference tracks.. Urr let me think NO! :muahaha:

I don't have anything technical to ask, although I was wondering if the current economic climate has had any impact on a master of the craft?
Hi Andy,

Quick question to answer when you will find time:
-What made the point to go with RA for your studio design instead of others guys (Augspurger, Hidley, Van Haaf...etc)?

Any thoughts on doing an instructional video or maybe a video of going through the proccess of tracking to mixing to mastering? Nothing crazy indepth (even thought that would be cool also) but just an inside look into the world of extreme metal recording. I don't think anyone has done that yet.


I agree there are alot of hacks on Youtube and I would 100% buy somthing like this.