here you go, but like Andy said, it depends on the amp and so on.
here you go, but like Andy said, it depends on the amp and so on.
here you go, but like Andy said, it depends on the amp and so on.
i dont know if this was asked before so sorry if it was... i wonder what converter andy use? and what preamps too?
... and what plagin eq? i never knew why people with like huge budget use plugins? why not buy real deal... i understand its all there you can change it anytime just load a project... but the sound?
am new here... (noob) x) so sorry if am rude or something... one more question... what monitors andy use? am sorry if this was asked before...
What to do to avoid disgusting guitar fizz (sand). My 57 mic is placed like here:
I use 5150 with mesa4*12: presence=12oclock, high=10oclock. Post gain=2
57 goes to RME ff400 mic preamp. Is that sand because of:
-cheap rme preamp
-amp and low volume settings.
How to diagnose that ?
i am listening to your mixes - they all have other highfreqs.. My head is broken