Danne Bergstrand's recording gear


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hey guys, I do love everything that comes out of the hands of Daniel.

I wondered if some of you knew what gear he uses to record and mix the bands coming to Dug Out studios in Uppsala.

I already know that he uses/used to use :

Mics :
Nady ribbons (In Flames - CC)
T-Bone SC100 (not sure, but the cymbal mics look like that on the latest Soilwork, Scarve, and In Flames...)
Oktava MKL2500 tube mics (Scarve - Irradiant ; Soilwork - Stabbing...)
TLM193 (Meshuggah guitars in DEI)
SM57 (Irradiant drums, guitars, don't know on which albums precisely)
U195 (for vocals)

Pres/DI :
Mindprint Dual Tube Channel (guitars and bass, maybe vocals ? dunno)

Console :
Soundcraft TS24 (24 mono channels)

Mixing gear :
EL8 Distressor
EL7 Fatso
Tube Tech LCA-2B
JoeMeek VC2
Roland Space Echo
Drawmer DS201 gate
Various Alesis and TC gear for FX (I guess).
TC Finalizer for vocals

Converters/DAW :
Mackie HDR24/96

I know he uses DDRUM triggers on bass drum and snare and synchronize them with noise gates.

What else ?

I'd really love to know what pre does he use on the drums. I think his drums are quite always samples coupled with the mics, but i'm not sure.