If you've lost anything data wise, try punching your old site into archive.org, you should be able to retrieve some things that way.
1. A Picture is wortha thousand words so do you have any photographs of your snare's mic'd up and also your kicks mic'd up.
2. Do you ever use BBE Sonic Maximizers or there plug-in or do you think its complete rubbish.
3. Have you ever tried an AKG C414 on a guitar cab mixed with a SM57 and if so what are your thoughts on it.
1. What frequencies do you generally cut on distorted guitar now a days? Which ones do you tend to boost?
A few years ago the Audix i5 was the single micing apple of your eye.yes, still one 57 in the right spot.
A few years ago the Audix i5 was the single micing apple of your eye.
A few years ago the Audix i5 was the single micing apple of your eye.
Hey Andy!
1. What frequencies do you generally cut on distorted guitar now a days? Which ones do you tend to boost?
In general he high passes and low passes, sometimes with a few other boosts and cuts around the place. It entirely depends on the source material and the mix. I swear this has been answered elsewhere in the thread already
Okay, this is my first postso don't kill me if this has all been answered before, but I started reading at the begining of the thead and it said that Andy only uses a touch of eq for post-processing guitars. You say he high passes and low passes. That's a little more heavy handed than what I think of as a "touch of eq".
So what am I missing here? Is the high/low pass eq applied during tracking perhaps? If so, is it common to apply eq while tracking? The reason why I ask is that I have been trying to find info on recording metal guitar on the web and pretty much all the advice I have found says to put a 57 on the grill and hit record.
EQ after tracking, that way you can undo it if you need to
HP/LP isnt heavy handed eq processing thats just tidying up the crap you don't need cluttering up your mix.