Andy's mic pre's


Self Portrait
Jul 19, 2005
Nitronium Blood said:
I've never really asked about this but since we are on the topic:

What Mic preamps does Andy use for vocals and guitar?

Nitro, as you can see I took your quote to start a new thread because I've been wondering about this as well lately and maybe this topic would be less likley to be overlooked.

Does he usually have a set routine to use certain preamps for certain instruments or does it vary depending on the sound the band wants or whatever?
Does he generaly use the amek 9098 w/eq on heavily distorted guitars?
Radd said:
Does he generaly use the amek 9098 w/eq on heavily distorted guitars?

I believe he doesn't use EQ on guitars whilst tracking. From what I gathered Andy seemed to favour the Cranesong Spider, don't know wheter this is still the case but earlier this year most samples/clips he posted were recorded through the Cranesong.
Matt Crooks said:
Focusrite Red, Cranesong Spider, Amek something-or-rather (purepath maybe?)

Soon to be displaced by the AWS900, I'd assume.

Out of all these fellas, I think the Spider is the best by far. Old amek consoles have very nice pres but I thought the purepath was a bit pants. Never buy any fuck-us-rite stuff, AWS is nice but I have never been a fan of SSL pre amps.

So if I was Andy, I'd be using the the cranesong. 1073 and v72 all the way!
whatever suits the sound really. I'm mainly using the Spider, I love that thing. Not buying the AWS900 by the way, due to lack of dynamics on the channels, which was one of the main reasons I was interested, though I don't mind SSL pre's. I have a couple of G series pres here that work out great for heavy vocals. That with the RNC strangley enough works out as a great combination. I remember when we did some Catherdral tracks and all I had was the SSL to track vocals through, and I'll be damned it sounded better than the Neve we'd used at the other sstudio.
Andy Sneap said:
whatever suits the sound really. I'm mainly using the Spider, I love that thing. Not buying the AWS900 by the way, due to lack of dynamics on the channels, which was one of the main reasons I was interested, though I don't mind SSL pre's. I have a couple of G series pres here that work out great for heavy vocals. That with the RNC strangley enough works out as a great combination. I remember when we did some Catherdral tracks and all I had was the SSL to track vocals through, and I'll be damned it sounded better than the Neve we'd used at the other sstudio.
Cranesong Spider = Guitars
G Series + RNC (Optional) OR SSL = Vocals.


Thank you Andy and thank you Radd.
Andy Sneap said:
whatever suits the sound really. I'm mainly using the Spider, I love that thing. Not buying the AWS900 by the way, due to lack of dynamics on the channels, which was one of the main reasons I was interested, though I don't mind SSL pre's. I have a couple of G series pres here that work out great for heavy vocals. That with the RNC strangley enough works out as a great combination. I remember when we did some Catherdral tracks and all I had was the SSL to track vocals through, and I'll be damned it sounded better than the Neve we'd used at the other sstudio.

Good stuff. What neve was it? a VR? nevermind.

I believe there's a use for EVERY piece of gear ever made.

Many times I find myself recording rock vocals with an Beta 57 eventhough there are much better mics sitting in the studio etc.

SSl pres aren't bad, but I don't think they are "special". Same goes for the Eq's. The dynamics totally rock but the lack of make up gain on the comp has always bothered me a little bit.
Andy Sneap said:
whatever suits the sound really. I'm mainly using the Spider, I love that thing. Not buying the AWS900 by the way, due to lack of dynamics on the channels, which was one of the main reasons I was interested, though I don't mind SSL pre's. I have a couple of G series pres here that work out great for heavy vocals. That with the RNC strangley enough works out as a great combination. I remember when we did some Catherdral tracks and all I had was the SSL to track vocals through, and I'll be damned it sounded better than the Neve we'd used at the other sstudio.
Thanks Andy. What about your Amek Neve 9098 w/eq mic pre? What have you used this for? If it was used in any of your works could you point a few examples out to us? Please....:) :worship:
Andy Sneap said:
whatever suits the sound really. I'm mainly using the Spider, I love that thing. Not buying the AWS900 by the way, due to lack of dynamics on the channels, which was one of the main reasons I was interested, though I don't mind SSL pre's. I have a couple of G series pres here that work out great for heavy vocals. That with the RNC strangley enough works out as a great combination. I remember when we did some Catherdral tracks and all I had was the SSL to track vocals through, and I'll be damned it sounded better than the Neve we'd used at the other sstudio.

you used some metric halo stuff too, iirc?
Radd said:
Thanks Andy. What about your Amek Neve 9098 w/eq mic pre? What have you used this for? If it was used in any of your works could you point a few examples out to us? Please....:) :worship:

These are the ones I know:

Nevermore: This Godless Endeavour (vocals)
Arch Enemy: Wages Of Sin (vocals)

AFAIK the mic was a Shure SM7 on both of these.
i used Andy's G series SSL Pre and his RNC to track Martin W. and his female singer Sarah for The Clan Destined EP, "In The Big Ending" while i was at Andy's, and the SSL sans RNC for Jeff Loomis' acoustic guitar part on the "jazzy bit", The Holocaust of Thought, from This Godless Endeavor. it's good stuff for sure.
