

May 2, 2001
I know they've been mentioned a buhjillion times before on this forum, but I'm too lazy to go searching through the gazillion other threads. (Yes, I know there's a search but I'm too lazy to use that too.)

So anyway, are they any good? I've recently got a few mp3's and they sounded pretty interesting. Which album should I start with if I decide to exchange money for their goods and services?
well, i think you can't go wrong with Vemod, but Nucleus is good too once you get used to it (might just sound like noise to you at first) And yeah i think they are great! Also a band almost always mentioned in the same breath, Anglagard, is even better IMHO! Get everything they ever released!! Anyway yeah. I like music.
I have one Anglagard song called "Hostsejd" or something like that. It's purdy nifty, but I'd need to hear more before I could make any conclusions. Also, ever heard of Sinkadus? I have a sample of a song called "Valkyria" and it's cooltastic. Are their album(s) any good? I've been on a weird prog binge recently, and I gotsta know! :)
Anekdoten is a great band, check out Where Solitude Remains and Book Of Hours. For Anglagard, I'd recommend Skogsranden and Kung Bore, both over ten minutes...the Sinkadus songs I've heard are really good with the same eerie atmosphere, too.

Prog is my obsession, and Sweden produces some of the genre's best...
After mentioning Sinkadus endlessly here, someone has finally heard them!! Whoopee!!!

They are an incredible band, very twisted, dark, and heavy, though not metal. It's a total swedish progfest. Valkyria is a great song, but not their best. I highly recommend their "Cirkus" CD.

As for Anekdoten, get "Nucleus" and "From Within":cool:
Thank y'all for the informative replies! Now to actually FIND the damn CDs in this crap town, which is, oddly enough, the fudging CAPITAL of Canada! You'd think the capital would have a good CD store somewhere but noooo. What the shit is that?

I should open my own CD store...