ANGRA is back

I don't know why Aurora is getting ragged on, I think its great, quite experimental and different for Angra and that's exactly why I liked it. I thought the two before that were pretty standard.

I must say I do prefer the classic lineup over the newer one, but seeing Aquilles has left blows a bit cos he's a shit hot drummer.
Angra has always been an inconsistent band, usually boomeranging between mediocre and spectacular releases. Since the last one was medicore, we're due for spectacular.

I'm sorry, but anything considered "mediocre" from Angra is still going to be better than most of their peers' best albums. They're one of the few bands that can apparently do no wrong.
Problem with Aurora was that it was not experimental or them trying something different. It was like a dumbed-down version of their normal style; just them treading water. Yeah I think there are some good songs on it but albums like Rebirth & ToS are albums that could only have come from Angra. Aurora could have come from a much less visionary band.
I'm really excited to see that Angra is back in action, and it's cool to see Ricardo Confessori back with the band. However, I'm not sure he'll be able to pull off all of the fast, technical playing that Aquiles Priester contributed to the last three albums. Nonetheless, I hope he proves me wrong, and I think Angra will be sure to release another breathtaking album.

Stay metal. Never rust.
At this point, with all due respect and being an Angra fan from day1....let it go. Is there really THAT big of a demand for a return? What's left in the tank? We do have some great NEW bands (quality bands) AND we have plenty of great music from Angra over their long career. Or just get Andre back and they can tour with Van Halen with DLR and call it the "We hate each other but we need the cash" Tour 2009.

The thing is that Kiko is my favorite guitarist, his solos rock, and Raphael contributed much to the original songs so to have them back I think would be the best..and while I doubt it would happen you wouldn't have kinda a joke reunion like perhaps a Van Halen with Roth (though I loved VH with Roth best). From what I understand I believe the guitarists said Angra was nothing without Andre. While Temple of Shadows was an amazing album and Rebirth was good, I definitely love the earlier stuff better of Angra with Matos, and while I could be wrong I think many if not most die hard Angra fans especially in Brazil took Shamaan and Matos as the progression from Angra. I think Edu is a good singer but in comparison to Matos not close.

If it wasn't obvious though the hitting Edu and the bassists was a joke..I actually was pretty shocked to hear Priester got into some fist fight if that's what happened as he looked like the most peaceful of the bunch with that smile he'd usually have all the time. I don't know Aquilles but it for some reason reminds me now of my usually calmer than calm gentle Uncle Willie out of no where took a pipe to some huge muscle bound guy who was pushing him around one day on the job. I wasn't seriously saying they were going to do a reunion though I thought it would be cool. The Andreas Ricardo and Priester are all excellent musicians I wouldn't want anyone punching anyone. I just also wonder what Edus voice will be like..I'm doubting he's going to be doing a lot of higher range stuff for some reason.
Which Pagan's Mind album?
I prefer both Celestial Entrance and God's Equation. Obviously, that's merely my opinion. Part of the reason for that...

Nils > Edu

It's not a knock on Edu. Most vocalists aren't in Nils league. And as a live vocalist, it's not even close. Nils may be the best live vocalist there is, where Edu (at least the two times I've seen him) struggles to reproduce his studio performance live.

I agree with Zod 100% on Nils, even though I don't think he is THE best live vocalist, he is in the list of singers that nail everything live without fail. Edu pissed me off last time I saw Angra because he was completely off key the whole entire set. I also agree that it is going to be hard to play Aquiles parts, but I hope he can prove me wrong as well, because Aquiles is one hell of a badass drummer and layed down some crazy stuff, not the craziest stuff I have heard by far, but still some tuff stuff to have to play not being the one who recorded it.
I'm really excited to see that Angra is back in action, and it's cool to see Ricardo Confessori back with the band. However, I'm not sure he'll be able to pull off all of the fast, technical playing that Aquiles Priester contributed to the last three albums. Nonetheless, I hope he proves me wrong, and I think Angra will be sure to release another breathtaking album.

Stay metal. Never rust.

Not only I am sure he will pull it off, he will do better. I will take Confessori over Aquiles any day of the week...
I mean, they are both great drummers.... But confessori has so much more groove, it's not even close!
Interesting development. Just two days ago while thinking how I wish Andre Matos presentation at PPX can cover his career for Viper to his solo album and I also was thinking about Confessori returning to Angra (being left alone in Shaaman), but at the same time I thought nah Aquiles is the drummer, their never going back, look what happened!

As for physical happenings, when Angra played here in the middle of the concert they stopped and had an argument on stage, it was clear that something was happening in the band (maybe the awful sound we had to endure) finally they settled down and finished the concert including an encore with covers of Helloween and Iron Maiden, but something did happened that night.
I prefer both Celestial Entrance and God's Equation. Obviously, that's merely my opinion. Part of the reason for that...

Nils > Edu

It's not a knock on Edu. Most vocalists aren't in Nils league. And as a live vocalist, it's not even close. Nils may be the best live vocalist there is, where Edu (at least the two times I've seen him) struggles to reproduce his studio performance live.


Agreed on all accounts. You do have to keep in mind, though, that Edu went through a really bad vocal problem for a few years (kind of what happened to James LaBrie for years), which totally ruined most of his live performances. His voice is back where it should be now, and his performance has been much better (on the tour with Almah last year).
Well it's official. This comes straight from their website, Angra and Sepultura are going to tour together:

Os thrash metallers do Sepultura, Derrick Green (vocal), Andreas Kisser (guitarra), Paulo Xisto (baixo) e Jean Dolabella (bateria) dividem o palco com Edu Falaschi (vocais), Kiko Loureiro (guitarra), Rafael Bittencourt (guitarra) e Felipe Andreoli (baixo). Ricardo Confessori, um dos primeiros membros do Angra, retorna ao grupo e substitui Aquiles Priester na bateria.

*the bold is mine*

For those of you that don't speak Portuguese it says: Ricardo Confessori one of the first Angra members return to the band to substitute Aquiles Priester on the drums.
The new angra every album were fuckin especial to me !and Aquiles is one of my fav drummers, TOS wouldnt have been as brilliant without him!