Announcement: motW guitars tabs!(finally)


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
So in my off time I have started the project of tabbing out some motW stuff for the people who were interested or have been asking about it. For now I started really really small and transcribed my main solo from Birth Pains of Astral projection. Of course it took me upwards of 5 hours or so spread out over two days to get the fucking thing right which makes me think that hopefully doing an entire song would be:

a. much easier because I am used to it or
b. much worse and time consuming.

Either way I think I might try to tackle something easier like A Conception Pathetic next and work my way up from there.

So check it out at my web site's lessons section and let me know what you think or send me suggestions for what you guys want tabbed out at
also a quick note to anyone downloading tabs. when using power tab you can have it playback the file as a midi track which i found useful in making sure i wrote it our right but the midi gets easily knocked out of tune by the bent notes i put in the file. why this is i have no idea but the frets are correct.
I really like the basslines in Undine and Underwater Flowers and the beginning of Heaven and Weak. It's cool if you can't do it, though. Maybe I'll sit down one of these days and figure them out.
Can you scan a .jpg of the Birth Pains solo written in standard notation for all us mac/standard tuning/non-TAB-reading people? I'm a fool for forgetting those licks when you showed them to me.

It's about time. :wave: