another "All About Me At My New Job" Thread


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
number of thread ideas i have come up with at work and laughed about while opening the mail only to completely be forgotten by the time i get home: 147

number of times i have seen Sun Life Assurance Company abbreviated in official correspondence as "Sun Life ASS Co." : 1

websites i can view at work which are not blocked by big brother:

number of times i have taken a "Crapper Napper", aka sleeping on the toilet, while on the job: 3

number of times i have taken a "Hanicapper Crapper Napper", aka sleeping in the hanicapped bathroom with its spacious layout and handrail for ease of laying your head down, while on the job: 0 since unlike at Berklee, there are actually hanicapped people at Sun Life in my building who actually use the hanicapped toilet.

approximation of an actual conversation i had with a supervisor in the men's bathroom's while i was washing my hands:

supervisor: so are you one of those guys who washed their hands alot at work?
me: um...not really
supervisor: well i am, i don't what its called but i just come in here and wash my hands all the time.
me(in my head): OCD?
I used to do the crapper nappers when I worked in my dad's machine shop back in jersey. haha, I didn't know that was a common phenomenon. I would also just sit on the toilet and read the funnies for like and hour and a half.
Man, I gotta try that crapper napper thing. The closest I've done is go into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror for 10 minutes straight just to pass time.