we just had a little crisis at my job!


Aug 2, 2002
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i work in a legal services department for people who are HIV positive. i do discrimination law work, employment law work, estate and trust planning, and bankruptcy work.
a discrimination client of mine is a little 'off', but a very wonderful guy. today, he didn't feel like waiting because i was busy doing another client intake, so he left a huge briefcase for me which was taped shut and full of casettes and other various heavy evidence materials, and everyone LOST IT when they saw it at the receptionist's desk, thinking it was a bomb or some bag of anthrax or who knows what.

i was in hysterics and i opened it just to spite everyone while yelling 'my arm! no one will love me with this blown off bloody stump!'

my office is a total battleground, but it's also awesome. i work with the most psychologically diverse group of coworkers and clients ever. it leads to constant explosive outbursts and drama.

(ie, cat fights about who is more of a diva, whitney or mariah)
Originally posted by the_preppy
(ie, cat fights about who is more of a diva, whitney or mariah)
I used this in another thread, but it suits this one too.


ru is more diva than either of those hags. and i can't stand him/her. just illustrates what i think of the other two.