another band confirmed: SEAX


Sep 30, 2005
NWOBHM / traditional metal inspired act SEAX is now playing Ragnarokkr 2013. I can proudly say this was one of my choices and pushed mike for this one. I think they are one of the better new acts around today in the states.

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These sort of bands can be fun at shows, but there's hardly any depth to this band. They're essentially the Skull Fist of next year's fest. Not saying Skull Fist didn't do a great job or that I didn't enjoy them, just nothing special.
These sort of bands can be fun at shows, but there's hardly any depth to this band. They're essentially the Skull Fist of next year's fest. Not saying Skull Fist didn't do a great job or that I didn't enjoy them, just nothing special.

I'm starting to suspect you don't like metal that's fun. Seax (and Skull Fist) have zero depth. That's the point. Sometimes you just want to hear a band come out and say "This song is about a warrior and his sign. It's called 'Sign of the Warrior!'" and then proceed to shred for 3.5 minutes. It keeps things fun.
I agree with Simon.
Skull Fist were great live, but they make you feel like a dumb 15 year old kid listening to DRI's DEALING WITH IT when listening to them on disc.

I really like what I have heard with SEAX, but the whole "Flying the flag for TRUE metal"'s excitement for me is definitely limited to a live setting.
I agree with Simon.
Skull Fist were great live, but they make you feel like a dumb 15 year old kid listening to DRI's DEALING WITH IT when listening to them on disc.

I really like what I have heard with SEAX, but the whole "Flying the flag for TRUE metal"'s excitement for me is definitely limited to a live setting.

Your soul is dead inside. :mad:
LOL.... Ok dude, says the guy who's fav album is IMAGES AND WORDS. LOL....
That's an album chock full of panty raiding and beer guzzling!!!!!

Look, I like all these bands a lot too.

The point is that its more enjoyable in a live setting than on disc.....
LOL.... Ok dude, says the guy who's fav album is IMAGES AND WORDS. LOL....
That's an album chock full of panty raiding and beer guzzling!!!!!

Look, I like all these bands a lot too.

The point is that its more enjoyable in a live setting than on disc.....

I'll grant that point. The opposite is true for some styles of music. It's why I'd never get excited about seeing Katatonia or My Dying Bride live. I'm sure it would sound good, but I'd want a comfortable chair and maybe a blanket just in case I nod off.
I'll grant that point. The opposite is true for some styles of music. It's why I'd never get excited about seeing Katatonia or My Dying Bride live. I'm sure it would sound good, but I'd want a comfortable chair and maybe a blanket just in case I nod off.

I still really want to see MDB.
I wasn't into them back when they did the US tour with DIO.

Katatonia are great live, but I know exactly what you mean.

It's more atmospheric, and better on disc.

Though I have yet to see them, I could see AGALLOCH falling a bit short live as compared to disc.
I still really want to see MDB.
I wasn't into them back when they did the US tour with DIO.

Katatonia are great live, but I know exactly what you mean.

It's more atmospheric, and better on disc.

Though I have yet to see them, I could see AGALLOCH falling a bit short live as compared to disc.

you would think but Agalloch put it off live and are really good actually.