Another Bin Laden

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Merciless Onslaught said:
Doesn't this mere fact violate the laws of Islam? :rolleyes:
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to include Allah too :rolleyes:
The fact of the matter is that to most people Islam represents terror and violence. I feel sorry for the good Muslims who have to be the victims of these extremeist groups but the bottom line is who knows who is violent and who isn't. When you are in public and you see someone who is Muslim how do you know if they are a terrorist or don't.
It's kind of a stupid conclusion that it would violate the laws of a religion that allows polygamy to have a lot of kids. :rolleyes:

Quit speaking for 'most people' MO, we're not all as xenophobic as you are. When I see fucking anybody walking down the street, how do I know they're not gonna pull out a knife and slice my belly open? Goddamn, if you really walk around worrying about whether or not every fucking muslim (and I'm guessing you generally assume that anyone of middle-eastern descent is muslim... y'know, just to be safe :rolleyes: ) is a terrorist, you really must be a wreck. I'll bet you were bummed out when they called off (at least officially) Operation TIPS...
I don't know if anyone is a terrorist or not. That's why I want conceal and carry to pass in my state. I'm not worried about terrorists though, I'm just sick of criminals running around armed to the teeth while 'the law' insists in the public spot light that citizens not carry a weapon, however off the record wish everyone was strapped b/c they know first hand how many crimes are disfused early by the mere presence of a fire arm in the possession of the intended victim. Anyway.....yeah, that bin laden guy has a lot of kids. Here is food for thought too. His parents were so rich from building roads and such that each child inherited hundreds of millions of dollars.
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duckattack said:
When I see fucking anybody walking down the street, how do I know they're not gonna pull out a knife and slice my belly open?
Oh for the sake of argument stop playing the "demographic blindness" card. You make judgements/intuitions about people in everyday life just like everybody else(if you didn't, you wouldn't be alive right now). Hell, you do it in your posts. You'd rather sit next to a middle-aged woman on the subway instead of a twitchy arab and you know it. You wouldn't go to the South Bronx or Washington Heights or places like that either. So end THAT game.
Prismatic Sphere said:
Oh for the sake of argument stop playing the "demographic blindness" card. You make judgements/intuitions about people in everyday life just like everybody else(if you didn't, you wouldn't be alive right now). Hell, you do it in your posts. You'd rather sit next to a middle-aged woman on the subway instead of a twitchy arab and you know it. You wouldn't go to the South Bronx or Washington Heights or places like that either. So end THAT game.
OK, for the sake of argument, do you seriously feel threatened by every muslim/arab that you encounter in your comings and goings? I've flown a dozen or so times since 9/11, and shared just about every flight with at least one, and sometimes several, gentlemen of what I would guess to be middle-eastern descent. I can honestly say that it didn't freak me out. I'm honestly more than a bit taken aback that I'm the one being cast as 'unreasonalbe' here - I'm not dismissing the possibility of terrorism out of hand, I'm saying that to see an evil, murderous psychopath in the face of every arab/muslim is, to put it bluntly, stupid.
duckattack said:
OK, for the sake of argument, do you seriously feel threatened by every muslim/arab that you encounter in your comings and goings? I've flown a dozen or so times since 9/11, and shared just about every flight with at least one, and sometimes several, gentlemen of what I would guess to be middle-eastern descent. I can honestly say that it didn't freak me out. I'm honestly more than a bit taken aback that I'm the one being cast as 'unreasonalbe' here - I'm not dismissing the possibility of terrorism out of hand, I'm saying that to see an evil, murderous psychopath in the face of every arab/muslim is, to be blunt, stupid.
Sure it's stupid. But if two people stood up on a flight and one was an arab and one wasn't; for you not to admit that you'd look twice at the arab is even more stupid and even more unreasonable. That's all.:cool:
I'd look at them both, and wonder why anyone would choose the aisle seat, when there's windows to be had.

If they're not in an aisle seat, then I'd look at them wondering "how the fuck did they get out of a non-aisle seat".

And that would be about it.
@Shannow - I always try to get an aisle seat, preferably in an emergency exit or bulkhead row. I like legroom.

@PS - I don't really know where to go with this. You advocate carpetbombing the whole of the middle east, MO hits the deck every time he sees an arab, and I guess I'm just not that paranoid or vengeful. I guess we've reached an impasse.
dudes, we got all this from Osama having a baby?

damn, i hate to see the thread if Saddam conceives again, through some miracle or plague of god.
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