Another Bin Laden

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anonymousnick2001 said:
No, really, what did I say? 'Dear Lord' is a pretty serious response to me expressing my faith.
Apparantly, you're not aware that all Muslims are psychopathic terrorists-in-waiting. I can only conclude from this that the 'terrorism gene' may remain latent until later in life. But you will wake up one morning possessed with the urge to strap explosives to yourself or your automobile so that you can ascend to your place in paradise.

Or something like that. :rolleyes: Possessed could maybe explain it better.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Well, you have a very American attitude and demeanor.

In typing, I mean...:err:
Hmm.. possibly in typing..

Also some of the words I use here, like "gay" aren't usually part of my offline vocab.
I don't want to relight old flames, but did anyone read the thread with the guys complaining about the Muslim Barbie doll?

That thread really hurt my feelings. And I'm not being sarcastic. The people of my religion are taking great pains to fit in in a world that already doesn't like us, and people hate it.

Oh, but some witty person came up with this quote bashing the guy:

How about Rascist Prick Barbie. She can sit in her trailer drinking beer, burping and farting and complaining about all how the towel heads have got all the jobs. I'm sure that would sell a treat. :)
I found that hilarious. And Mark and duckattack stood up for equality and peace, too, so thanks everyone.

This pointless racism should stop, though.
Apparantly, you're not aware that all Muslims are psychopathic terrorists-in-waiting. I can only conclude from this that the 'terrorism gene' may remain latent until later in life. But you will wake up one morning possessed with the urge to strap explosives to yourself or your automobile so that you can ascend to your place in paradise.

Or something like that. :rolleyes: Possessed could maybe explain it better.
Heh. That's funny. Terrorist gene, huh? That's something.

What do you think, Possessed?
anonymousnick2001 said:
Heh. That's funny. Terrorist gene, huh? That's something.

What do you think, Possessed?
I haven't really gotten along with Cristian Liberals either. Duckattack and others can continue to put phrases and opinions in my mouth if they want. I'm sure it's the only ammunition they have. I certainly don't beleive all Muslims are terrorists. I couldn't imagine Hakeem Olajuan flying a plane into a building. I'm very certain he wouldn't as he seems like a law-abiding man. As does Jerry Fallwell whome I detest more than Olojuan (whome I don't detest at all). Why would that be? I'm sure duckattack can explain that one to you, possibly lead you down the path of enlightened american liberal stupidity. Anywho, my response was to the religius liberal of your statement. I have as much reason to disagree with religios liberals as they have to disagree with me. I made no reference to your race. Quite purposefully as I was not responding to it.

Glad you asked personally for a response, rather than taking one of these liberals generalisations to heart.

You've learned something today.
possessed, you have to admit that some of the things you said in the old days did help create this impression about you. You haven't said much to correct it.
John Silver said:
possessed, you have to admit that some of the things you said in the old days did help create this impression about you. You haven't said much to correct it.
Why would I have to correct it? It's a message board for god's sake. I find half the peoples opinions of me laughable. As long as my family is happy with who I am, it's all that really matters. I'll readily wipe my ass with any retarded liberals opinion of me. I'll explain myself when I feel like it.
I live a better life now.

In the real world.
Oh I know its a message board. I have not tried to win the respect of the bb as a whole either, but as long as you're in discussions of this sort it seems strange to let people go away with a false impression of you.
John Silver said:
Oh I know its a message board. I have not tried to win the respect of the bb as a whole either, but as long as you're in discussions of this sort it seems strange to let people go away with a false impression of you.
Why? Most of these people don't know just how much of a hateful and horrible human being I used to be. They're merely grasping at straws. It's actually quite silly and entertaining from where I'm sitting.

I'll admit though, presently, I really don't have a problem with racial remarks. Mere words, who gives a shit. They don't mean anything unless they have real hate speech behind them, which they usually don't.

I don't mind being called a honky or what not, I don't get offended by anti-white slang, why would any other races give a shit? Everybody's a little to sensitive these days. If a persons words are ammunition enough to get your emotional blood boiling and put your panties in a bind than just slash your fuckin' wrists right now. That's what I say.:)
I don't think most people are offended by silly remarks, I know I wouldn't be if I'm called a curry muncher. But its a bit different when something comes out from someone like Ray M, its not hard to see what he's got going through his mind.
possessed said:
I haven't really gotten along with Cristian Liberals either. Duckattack and others can continue to put phrases and opinions in my mouth if they want. I'm sure it's the only ammunition they have. I certainly don't beleive all Muslims are terrorists. I couldn't imagine Hakeem Olajuan flying a plane into a building. I'm very certain he wouldn't as he seems like a law-abiding man. As does Jerry Fallwell whome I detest more than Olojuan (whome I don't detest at all). Why would that be? I'm sure duckattack can explain that one to you, possibly lead you down the path of enlightened american liberal stupidity. Anywho, my response was to the religius liberal of your statement. I have as much reason to disagree with religios liberals as they have to disagree with me. I made no reference to your race. Quite purposefully as I was not responding to it.

Glad you asked personally for a response, rather than taking one of these liberals generalisations to heart.

You've learned something today.

Fine. If I pegged you wrongly, I apologize. I've gotten so used to racist assholes on this bb (and the IMBB chat forum) that it's almost become a reflex. But your post didn't give a whole lot to go by, you must admit.

Personally, I don't have much use for religion, be it Muslim, Christian, or whatever. But it's none of my business what someone else believes, as long as they show me the same consideration.

As far as 'liberal'... Fine, so maybe I pegged you wrong, but I don't think my post was necessarily evidence of liberal thinking... Unless being opposed to racism and jumping to conclusions about people (which you say I did about you) is strictly a 'liberal' phenomenon. I hope it isn't. Anyway, the whole liberal / conservative namecalling bit is bullshit. If you want to play by those rules, leave me the fuck out of it. This country is falling apart from within, and you want to split the people into opposing camps. I don't understand it...
duckattack said:
This country is falling apart from within, and you want to split the people into opposing camps. I don't understand it...
No, I think Gephart/Kerry and the like started that.

I'm actually satisfied with where the country is now in it's present state. I'm also optimistic, not really ready to slash the wrists in a fit of hysteria quite yet.
anonymousnick2001 said:
I don't want to relight old flames, but did anyone read the thread with the guys complaining about the Muslim Barbie doll?

That thread really hurt my feelings. And I'm not being sarcastic. The people of my religion are taking great pains to fit in in a world that already doesn't like us, and people hate it.


The people of your religion are unfortunately taking the fall for those who bomb our buildings and who say that ALL Muslims must fight the aggressor(The USA). So now I ask you, can you blame people in the USA to accept Muslims, not knowing who are the good ones and who aren't? People in the USA are getting sick and tired of it already and whenever someone speaks out against a Muslim they are labeled a racist.
So can you now spare us of your BS and stop looking for sympathy. I am disgusted when I see mosques near where I live because as far as I'm concerned there MAY be terrorist activity going on in there and if you think I'm a racist for making that remark then you are a fucking idiot.
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