Another Bloodstock review


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Courtesy of Bright Eyes Magazine

Here's a very rough translation courtesy of BabelFish!

The then following POWER QUEST ignited further fireworks, which concerned fun and play joy, because above all singer Alessio Garavello emerged as genuine Showtalent, which possesses completely besides also still another insanity voice. The Songs of their past album?Wings OF Forever? did not miss their effect anyhow. The sound came correctly well from the box towers, the Stageacting was outstanding and with its melodischen power Metal spread POWER QUEST simply much fun among the fans. POWER QUEST will definitely about itself continue to talk to make, because the musical conditions are unquestionably present. This volume was the first surprise of this Festivals and it should further follow.
I see what you mean by rough translation.

It's a pretty good review though and I can see what they are getting at. It's great that people are reading more about the band now aswell.

Right, I'm off to download Temple of Fire!!! :D
Yaaay! Fame at last :) One of the things I've been meaning to do is put anchors in to make the individual gigs linkable, rather than just the whole page as it is at the moment. But for the mean time, I've just done the PQ reviews, which you can find here and here.