Another Dominion Review Of Intense!

Sir Mulkalot

Sep 6, 2004
Leeds UK
Heres my extract from the review I am currently writing!:rock:

Another one of my personal favourites of the day was up next and that was to be Intense. Their album Second Sight is a corker and previous live shows (especially BS04!) have been great. I sincerely do love the intro of Second Sight and am always pleased when it gets played at gigs. With my personal favourites always being The Winged and Skull of Sidon it has to be said that Intense played a show full of determination, skill and talent whilst enjoying themselves at the same time. Sean certainly had the power to get the crowd going and his vocals remind me so much of Matt Barlow from Iced Earth which is by no means a bad thing in my book. Finally closing with War of Angels it was very evident that Intense had played a smashing show and are regarded as one of my favourite bands on the UK metal scene. Long may they continue and get the success they truly deserve. Fans be advised that the new material is top notch and the album is one of my anticipated list for sure!