Another ENDITOL Revalver clip - Blame

Amazing production dude, a very organic crunch to the guitars, and I love the punchiness; did you use any master bus compression? Also, the snare is amazing, sounds a little distorted in a very, very good way. What do you use for drums? The song itself isn't my cup of tea; too spastic and constantly changing for my tastes, but there are some sweet ideas in there to be sure, good job!
Fucking amazing... downloaded right into the folder with rest of your stuff. :)

I love your playing and song writing...

Great Prod and song!!:kickass:

Thanks a lot bros.

Amazing production dude, a very organic crunch to the guitars, and I love the punchiness; did you use any master bus compression? Also, the snare is amazing, sounds a little distorted in a very, very good way. What do you use for drums? The song itself isn't my cup of tea; too spastic and constantly changing for my tastes, but there are some sweet ideas in there to be sure, good job!

Thanks for the props on the production. There is a Waves SSL compressor on the master, and the drums are drumkit from hell superior with a bunch of processing. :kickass:
Do the kits from SD2.0 the same as in Drumkit from Hell Superior ? Which version should I get?

They definitely don't sound the same. I prefer DFHS just because I'm used to working with it now, but Superior 2.0 has some awesome sounds. I would get both if you can because you can still use the DFHS sounds with Superior 2.0.