Another Ephel Duath track for download

I agree that doing a special packaging is a good thing to avoid piracy, but again, doing such special things is VERY expensive, like 3-4 times the cost of a normal production, with Negura Bunge we decided to do it ALSO because we got the help of the band who MADE it with their own hands, assembling 3000 pieces with glue and hundreds of hours, otherwise that would have been impossible to do for us.

what i would like to set clear is that labels can do alltheir best, can find great bands and can release their albums in the best way possible, but still, downloading the music for free it's too tempting and I really fear that until people will not understand that they CAN'T download music for free (because each unauthorized download is a backstab in the future of their favourite band-music), this beautiful music will die.
Speaking of Manes, that album just isn't good enough to warrant purchase. The fact that the last track is a complete waste made me not want to buy it at all.

Also, if it weren't for the internet, it would be practically impossible for a label like code666 to even exist, as it would be practically impossible to get any information about the music out. I don't think p2p is killing you, I think that you stand in a very anti-lucrative market and trying to sell extreme avant garde metal for a profit seems to be just silly to me. But Manes has gotten very little hype on p2p services, not even 1/10th the hype that Ephel Duath is getting. It's because the new album, while it is good, is too short and that last track should have been completely removed.

If it weren't for unauthorized downloads, you wouldn't even have a scene nearly as large as the current one. The post black metal scene right now just has way too many bands and not enough fans, it would be a far better idea for their to be one or two labels with a more streamlined roster than all these small labels fighting for a piece of a very limited pie.
Finally, speaking from my viewpoint, p2p has helped me in my album buying beyond what words can say. Before, I would buy an album and that album would collect dust because it was a horrible waste of money. Now, when I buy an album, I know it's good and I'm going to get my money's worth. When albums are so untolerably expensive, this is the ONLY thing I can do. An album should cost around $5 - $8 brand new, not $10 - $40. There are many great albums that I will never, ever buy because they are way too expensive and I have other things I like to buy, like comic books and video games, which are also ludicrously overpriced (when the video game industry starts making more than the movie industry (which is happening), the prices of video games should plummet. But instead, they stay the same and that is pure bullshit). I just can't afford all these albums, and I wouldn't want to buy them all even if I could. Like Negura Bunget... I couldn't even make it through one listen of their album before I got a headache and a bad mood. If I had followed recommendations, I would have a $10+ drink coaster. P2P is the ONLY way I will buy an album, because I MUST hear it in its entirety before I buy it.
P2P is the ONLY way I will buy an album, because I MUST hear it in its entirety before I buy it.

How the world has changed by the advent of the Internet. The above statment is just plain silly.

The thing is this, I can buy any record I want out there and if I do not like it, there is always Ebay to sell it on, sometimes for a profit.

I mean to me sometimes buying records makes total sense. I look at it as a rental. If the record is bad and I know I do not want to ever listen to it again, I just put it on Ebay.

Actually I made money on the last Haunted release, got it for $11, listened to it and sold it for $12 on Ebay. Same thing with the Audislave release.
I'd rather not waste my time and just buy albums that I know are good, which I do. It works perfectly for me, I haven't bought an album in over a year that I didn't like. I don't buy as many albums as I used to, but I am in college and money is tight, so I can't.
LuminousAether said:
Finally, speaking from my viewpoint, p2p has helped me in my album buying beyond what words can say. Before, I would buy an album and that album would collect dust because it was a horrible waste of money. Now, when I buy an album, I know it's good and I'm going to get my money's worth.

I'm not against downloading and THEN buying if you like, I'm against downloading, and downloading and downloading without buying anything.

When albums are so untolerably expensive, this is the ONLY thing I can do. An album should cost around $5 - $8 brand new, not $10 - $40.

5usd is a bit too low, I think you don't realize how much money and work require to do an album in a "professional" way, I think that 10-14 usd is a fair price, and IT'S the price of Elitist, Earache, code666, etc... albums

Like Negura Bunget... I couldn't even make it through one listen of their album before I got a headache and a bad mood. If I had followed recommendations, I would have a $10+ drink coaster. P2P is the ONLY way I will buy an album, because I MUST hear it in its entirety before I buy it.

that's fair for me, but remember that there are tons of people who are just downloading full albums all the time, no matte rif they like it or not, they keep on downloading music for free. this is killing indipendent music.
Well, a few years ago you could buy a cassette tape for about $8 and cds were about $15. Cds are still about $15 - $20 in most stores, and that's just silly because cds are much cheaper to produce than a cassette tape.

And I think people downloading albums and not buying them is a problem with those people and not the P2P services themselves.
LuminousAether said:
Speaking of Manes, that album just isn't good enough to warrant purchase. The fact that the last track is a complete waste made me not want to buy it at all.

I absolutely love this album.. The fact that the last "song" isn't to your liking so you're not going to buy the album strikes me as a bit excessive, there are still seven really good, long songs on here..

Anyway, I hope now you've decided that you don't want to buy the album you've deleted the MP3 files?
in fact, one can not protect a CD from copying. When I dicovered that the CD is so colled "copying protected" I decided to check how well it is protected... It took 30 seconds to get all the songs mp3ied... But I didn't send it to anyone. Theonly way to prevent mp3sation of audio files is to set the price of the traffic as high as a single CD would cost you... The only thing which identifies a mp3 file is its size unless somebody can be satisfied with the shitty quality of low bit-rate mp3s...
I have very limited space on my harddrive, so I delete everything a couple days after I download it, usually, unless it's an album that I cannot find no matter how hard I look. Like Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme which I think is one of the most amazing albums I have ever heard, or Fleurety - A Darker Shade of Evil, which I also cannot find for the life of me.
Also, the last track of Manes irritating me is also not the only reason I have decided to not purchase it. The very Ozzy Osbourne sounding vocals irritate me too, as I think he is one of the worst vocalists of all time.
Well Earache delivered in record time this time around, less than one week ...

So it looks like I got a bargain at $11 delivered.

I am halfway through it and I am blown away. It feels very organic ... PRAHA ... the instrumental is a great track.

Must say though that Luciano's screaming can get a little tiring, but we have Davide to balance him off.
it's cool because on the last review the journo keep saying that the best thing is Luciano' screaming :) hehehe...
music is great because everyone has a different perspective.
I've ended up buying quite a few CDs based on hearing maybe two or three songs from the disc and ultimately finding myself disappointed and wanting my money back.
The best I can do is hawk the disc for a few dollars at a used CD shop. That is definitely suboptimal. :p.

However, after the product has been opened, the consumer is pretty much screwed. So I'm wondering about the following and what label people think of this:

Consumers are given a period of 10 business days after purchase to return opened media. Upon return, consumer may receive a complete refund minus a fee for the cost of restocking. Consumer is limited to at most 2 returns per month.
(For the purpose of this question, leave out concerns over how to implement return rate limits, deciding on fees, etc.)

I'd just like to have an option as to not feel cheated when shopping for music.
ryanb said:
I've ended up buying quite a few CDs based on hearing maybe two or three songs from the disc and ultimately finding myself disappointed and wanting my money back.
The best I can do is hawk the disc for a few dollars at a used CD shop. That is definitely suboptimal. :p.

However, after the product has been opened, the consumer is pretty much screwed. So I'm wondering about the following and what label people think of this:

Consumers are given a period of 10 business days after purchase to return opened media. Upon return, consumer may receive a complete refund minus a fee for the cost of restocking. Consumer is limited to at most 2 returns per month.
(For the purpose of this question, leave out concerns over how to implement return rate limits, deciding on fees, etc.)

I'd just like to have an option as to not feel cheated when shopping for music.

and what about going to see a Movie and then be refounded if you don't like it? :)

or you can go to the restaurant, eat like an Elephant and then you can be refounded just declaring that you don't like the food that much... :p

and of course you can be refounded if during a Concert the guitarist misses a solo, or if he has too long hair or you don't like the way he's dressed...:tickled:

I think that the peer-to-peer downloading is becoming a huge mass delirium, where people just don't realise that music is a product like a banana. if you want to eat a banana you pay for it, same goes for the music. you can be refounded if the cd does not work, but NOT if you don't like it!!!!

I agree that downloading some mp3 previews for free is a good thing, I'm not against mp3 at all, but I'm against this delirium where everybody seems to don't understand that if people involved in music (musicians, labels, etc...) are not paid for their hard job, then the music will disappear in a short time.
I would compare buying a cd and wanting to return it the same as going to a concert and leaving within the first minute, then I would think a refund would be in order. But even that is stretching it, comparing a permanent object to a temporary service is just banal beyond belief. Did you even think that analogy out?

If you purchase an object, and you don't like it... I think a refund or a replacement should be normal. If I buy a video game, and it sucks ass, you can bet your ass I'm going to try my best to return it... and that is a good analogy for buying a cd and hating it.

I agree that downloading some mp3 previews for free is a good thing, I'm not against mp3 at all, but I'm against this delirium where everybody seems to don't understand that if people involved in music (musicians, labels, etc...) are not paid for their hard job, then the music will disappear in a short time."

This is actually laughable. Labels may disappear if things continue the way they are going, but that is NO problem at all. I've heard music from people using a few instruments and a computer that sounds actually quite good. Give it another 5 - 10 years and labels and studios will be unnecessary expenses for someone who truly has a passion for music.

Also, I feel that the digital medium will completely replace compact discs in the near future. Why listen to music on an outdated medium when you can get it much easier and with just as good of quality with a few minutes of time?

Here's to the death of the music industry and the rebirth of music for the love of music, not for the love of money. Music making should never become a career... because if it does, then money becomes more important than the music and the best music is always coming from the people who do not consider music as a career, but instead as a hobby.
the best music is always coming from the people who do not consider music as a career, but instead as a hobby.

I agree with this to a certain extent and it certainly explains why most artists release their best material in the early stages in of their career.

Musicians need labels and managers to release and promote their art as otherwise you and me would never hear it.

And also, this is very important, most artists are very poor business people. All kinds of artists, music, painters, writers ... actually not only artists but anyone that is waay too much into their so called profession or career, is almost always bad at managing their money or promotion ... believe me I work with them, I know :)
from my side, I will be more than happy if the WHOLE music industry will collapse soon and bands and artists will start to self produce, self-promote and self distribute their music on the internet with no more labels around, but the only one who will collapse are the small indipendent labels who are trying to do their best to release original music, while the huge Majors will always survive and will continue to release shit.
the free-download is killing the small indies more than the Majors, and I fear a time when there will be NO MORE indipendent music, just Corporate Shit.