Another Ephel Duath track for download

(Apologies for being such a windbag. Feel free to skip this post.)

Emi said:
and what about going to see a Movie and then be refounded if you don't like it? :)

Going to see a movie? No, unless it was due to technical problems like a dead audio channel, bad picture, etc. (Note: this isn't analogous to the concert scenario below)

Emi said:
or you can go to the restaurant, eat like an Elephant and then you can be refounded just declaring that you don't like the food that much... :p

If you ate like an elephant, there's no way you didn't like the food enough to complain, not to mention that you basically destroyed the product. It's not like you can return it.

Emi said:
and of course you can be refounded if during a Concert the guitarist misses a solo, or if he has too long hair or you don't like the way he's dressed...:tickled:

This is arguable. Not because of small mistakes, but suppose there's a 10pm curfew, and the band doesn't come on stage until 9:45pm for some b.s. reason, so the show is shut down after they play for 15 minutes. That'd be grounds for a refund.

Or some member is too drunk to perform and just staggers around fucking up, sometimes not even playing.

Remind me: what exactly am I *paying* these people for? They're definitely not advertising their shows as guys that stagger around drunk and don't play.

Emi said:
I think that the peer-to-peer downloading is becoming a huge mass delirium, where people just don't realise that music is a product like a banana. if you want to eat a banana you pay for it, same goes for the music. you can be refounded if the cd does not work, but NOT if you don't like it!!!!

Comparing a CD to a banana is ludicrous. :)

1) Consuming a banana means you destroyed a product. Listening to a CD doesn't really change its physical makeup. At most, the user left fingerprints on the packaging and (hopefully) edges of the disc. Big loss there. :p

2) If someone has already tried banana, it's pretty much a given that this banana is going to taste somewhat like the rest. There's no surprise to expect. A band's music between albums can change greatly. Sometimes it's great, sometimes ... not so great.

Regarding the refund stuff, see below

Emi said:
I agree that downloading some mp3 previews for free is a good thing, I'm not against mp3 at all, but I'm against this delirium where everybody seems to don't understand that if people involved in music (musicians, labels, etc...) are not paid for their hard job, then the music will disappear in a short time.

I'm not contesting that one bit! You almost make it sound like I'm waving the P2P banner and am against buying music. :)

This is probably quite a small list compared to you label types, but I think it's a good sign that I put a decent amount of cash into the recording industry taking my age into consideration.

All I'm saying is that I'm trying to find some sort of solution to avoid getting burned on a CD purchase because the 1 or 2 sample tracks I heard were extremely misleading. That's all. All I want is some form of consumer protection. I'm tired of giving $10-$16 to some vendor because I liked a band's previous albums, and then I turn around and absolutely hate a new one. Or, more likely, I like the newer stuff and, trying to get their back catalog, can't listen to the older stuff (e.g., Katatonia, Carcass, Massive Attack, etc.) Or I heard a song from a label's sampler, thought "damn, that was cool", and bought it to find that all songs are pretty much the same, or are just poop (subjectively speaking).

Some music stores let customers listen to albums in their entirety to decide on a purchase. If I could just rent music before deciding on an album, that'd be great, too. However, neither of those are options for me. My ordering is done almost exclusively through The End Records and The only things I have to judge by are a band's past works that I'm familiar with and any samplers I can find.

I'm afraid of DRM simply due to the fact that once everyone's comfortable with any sort of benefits it'd provide, "content providers" would become extremely abusive. (No, you may only listen to this albums on Monday nights after 11:17pm because we're the provider and we say so.)

I don't know what THE solution is, because I haven't really sat down to think about what would be practical. But there has to be something better than always gambling on music.

If I was just burned once or twice, I'd let it slide. However the number's much higher (I had a row of about 60 CDs I was trying to GIVE to people), and that just pisses me off to no end.
ryanb said:
If I was just burned once or twice, I'd let it slide. However the number's much higher (I had a row of about 60 CDs I was trying to GIVE to people), and that just pisses me off to no end.
There is no good reason for downloading an entire album. Do you read reviews? There are a lot of decent reviews out there. Find reviewers you trust, and that are into your style of music. I'm a picky bastard when it comes to buying music. I HATE buying shitty albums. (if I do buy something crappy, I just put 'em on someone mentioned......and get my money back). Jim Raggi of Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and John Chedsey of Satan Stole My Teddybear are the 2 reviewers I personally trust to seperate the crap from the music I want to spend my time listening to.

Don't get me wrong......I listen to mp3's as well, but I never download full albums to decide if I like them or not. To be honest, the best thing would be for labels to put up maybe three or four 45 second clips of each album.

Getting your favorite music critic's opinion, along with those 3 or 4 partial clips should be more than enough to decide if you want to purchase it or not.

Downloading the whole album is stealing it. ....and for every person who actually buys the real thing if they like it, probably 20 people just burn it to CD & listen to their free copy.
jageorge72 said:
There is no good reason for downloading an entire album.

While I don't necessarily agree, that's not the point I'm arguing.

jageorge72 said:
Do you read reviews? There are a lot of decent reviews out there. Find reviewers you trust, and that are into your style of music. I'm a picky bastard when it comes to buying music. I HATE buying shitty albums. (if I do buy something crappy, I just put 'em on someone mentioned......and get my money back). Jim Raggi of Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and John Chedsey of Satan Stole My Teddybear are the 2 reviewers I personally trust to seperate the crap from the music I want to spend my time listening to.

Reviews are more like an aid to what I consider a problem; I wouldn't go so far as calling it a solution, though. I'd rattle off a list on why, but I believe too many would just say I'm whining. :).

I've trimmed the rest of your message because it seems to address only MP3s, and that isn't really what I'm aiming at.
Emi said:
ryanb: a Banana was just an example... what about a book? do you think you can buy it, read it and be refounded if you don't like it?

I'll be brief.

I read technical books exclusively. I dislike books that are misleading, incomplete, and/or inaccurate. Yes, if I end up with such a book, I should be able to get my money back.

What's so wrong about wanting to get my money back after getting shafted with an album? It's not as if you lost a sale to me downloading it. I'm talking about vendors getting a sale that shouldn't have happened in the first place. That's all.
To Lee and Emi:

Just FYI, the following arrived in my mailbox yesterday (via The End Records)
Ephel Duath - The Painter's Palette

So :p :p :p
Emi said:
good choice... :)
enjoy it and see you when we'll tour USA!

Hey Emi. Just saw the Ephel Duath video, its great! However I cannot download this mp3 you posted :( Could you check the link again please :)

Oh and when you send them over to the US, make SURE that South Florida is amongst the booked gigs ;)
Ooh, regarding tours, should people expect to see/hear any of the Phormula material live, or is that chapter of the book pretty much closed?
the band plays a +- 6 min long medley of "Danza" and "Embossed". we would like to do more old stuff, but some songs are just impossible (technically) to reproduce live, some others can't be done without having 80% of the song sampled (programming, keys, synths) , so it's quite hard
Hey EMI.....i just noticed your connection to code666....
I live in Greece and i'm having trouble finding Negura Bunget's "N'crugul Bradului"......are there any copies available?
can i get in contact with you to get one?
I think eternal shadows records is responsible for the distribution of "N'crugul Bradului" here but unfortunately i they're closed for summer and i can't find it anywhere here (nor could i find Sala Molksa, had to order it from the internet) so things are fucked up right here......
scyther666 said:
Hey EMI.....i just noticed your connection to code666....
I live in Greece and i'm having trouble finding Negura Bunget's "N'crugul Bradului"......are there any copies available?
can i get in contact with you to get one?
I think eternal shadows records is responsible for the distribution of "N'crugul Bradului" here but unfortunately i they're closed for summer and i can't find it anywhere here (nor could i find Sala Molksa, had to order it from the internet) so things are fucked up right here......

yes, Eternal Shadows is our official Distributor in Greece, but yes, we're having problems with 'em, expecially during summer... you can order all the code666 releases (including Negura Bunget of course) directly from here: using paypal.
or you can send an email to: to arrange a "customized" order-shipment-payment