Another great joke


Main Man
Apr 14, 2002
God was looking over some vacation brochures when St. Peter stepped into his office... "Holiday time again, eh Lord?" Peter asked. "Yes", God replied, "...but I have no idea where I should go this year..."

"I hear Mercury is nice this time of year, Lord..." Peter said. "Too hot", said God.

"Then might I suggest Venus..." "No, said God, "...I've been there before. Too humid for my liking." "Then what about Neptune, Lord? That's a good distance away from the sun..." "Don't be rediculous, Peter... You know that it's too cold there to enjoy anything..."

"Then what about Earth???" Peter suggested. " "It has a variety of climates so you're very likely to find a spot there suitable to your liking..." God sighed and said, "Can't go there, Peter... I wish I could, but I can't..."

"Why not, Lord?" Peter inquired. "Well... I went there on vacation about 2000 years ago... I met a lovely young lady and we had a brief affair. And those damn locals have been talking about it ever since!"


El Cid.