Another 'I hate my mixes' thread

My mixes always get fucked up when I convert them to mp3s. Something always ends up being pushed under or way over things after being bounced (usually the vocals)- and it's getting frustrating. Lately my threads consist of a handful of hard to phrase questions to search, that end up as full page essay threads posted by yours truly... And most of the questions initially have been answered simply at some point in time. I apologize for the shit tons run-on sentences of noob bullshit...

I started checking balances between everything in mono, switching back and forth and SPAN has seen great usage since I was recently introduced to it on here earlier this year... The more aware I've become of these things- the more obvious these flaws have become, and it's probably time I brush back up on these "how to mix ____" threads here- because a good mix should SOUND like a good mix on most systems, even when dithered. I'm not getting that feeling where I can just listen and enjoy it. I could probably just be expecting too much... idk

I'm one of those types to hesitant to post my mixes on here since it's littered with no-real-instrument mixes that sound like whatever... But this last mix I did was my first time doing all that. All Slate, all Erkan Cymbals, SoloC w/ Catharsis imps... So it was near impossible to get anything to sound... convincing?

I have yet to treat my apartment bedroom because I am unsure where I would need to place my desk and their relation to the traps. My room is kind of retarded shaped with the closet and huge window... I have no idea where to arrange anything.

I'll stfu and leave it open for advice- here it is

Drums sound fucked up- obviously programmed- I rushed with the cymbal velocities- and the vocals and toms get lost in the beginning.

I can't push the Cubase limiter hard at all without losing everything and distorting it, which blows- I'm debating what to buy for that. Loudness isn't going to fix anything, but that's just another thing to add to the list of things I need to improve:erk:
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Usually, for me, a 320kbps MP3 render of any mix I do doesn't sound all that different at all from the dithered 16/44.1 WAV version of the same mix. Not IDENTICAL, but the differences are fairly negligible. I didn't get a chance to listen to the clip but as for the limiter issue, I highly recommend getting something else, the stock Cubase limiter kinda sucks nuts in general, but especially if using on the 2bus. I would say at least get Event Horizon from in the meantime. It's not free but the demo you can use indefinitely, kinda like Reaper's demo with the nag every time you open the plug. This way you have something substantially better for that purpose until you can get money for something really good, or purchase EH itself it's only like $50 or so IIRC.
Do you record into 24-bit? Nasty things can sometimes happen even without dithering when you're converting into 16-bit. Also, it may be a good idea to convert into 16-bit/44,1kHz and THEN limit the shit out of it.
I use Izotope all the time, it's my preferred plugin. However, you can also check out Endorphin from Every plugin on that site has its use and it's good to have in general.
As for limiters, I second the Event Horizon and can recommend TLs Maximizer, if it's available somewhere.

by the way, I listened to the song and the sound seems good to me, I think the biggest problem might be the bass guitar (is it a real bass guitar?) and you might want to check (and maybe slightly cut off) either the subbass territory (@ what frequency do you HPF?) or the 150-300 (or even 400) range, where the mud often builds up. Room fml.jpg

This is a shitty rep of my room. The closet is the only available space I felt I had for my rig which I'm sure is causing all sorts of nasty resonances... I took the sliding doors off and I'm left with that... My yammys take up my whole desk, literally inches from the ends of my monitor, until I pick up this creation station. But my main issue is how the shit do you treat something like that. Say I move everything to where my rig is up against the flat wall- wouldn't the weird closet walls jutting out still cause some weirdness? And would I just be able to put egg-crate on the doors and absorbers/traps on the rest of the walls, corners, ceiling and even over the window?

I'd appreciate a PM form anyone willing to help so to not to keep bumping this

Thank you all for the helpful links, seriously :worship: