Another interview with Jeff


Mar 10, 2012
Repeats his openness to a reunion some day.

Music can evoke many emotions. It can bring a rush of memories back to you from a time long forgotten. It can evoke tears, smiles, headbobs, and everything in between. Sometimes, music can be flat out awe inspiring. That leads us into Jeff Loomis. Jeff has been an inspiration to many over the years, and his playing continues to influence, as well as innovate. Drawing from his inspirations, Jeff has led the charge to keep technical metal alive. After many successful years in the band Nevermore, Jeff decided it was time to step away from the band. He just released his 2nd solo album, Plains Of Oblivion. It’s out now on Century Media Records, and is a must have for anyone that is a fan of amazing guitar work.

Click here to listen to the entire Jeff Loomis interview.

Today, I’m welcoming Jeff Loomis to the Rock. Nothing But…family. Jeff is widely regarded as one of the best guitarists in metal, and we are thrilled to have him join us. So, first off, thank you very much for joining us today Jeff.

I was recently sent a youtube video of you doing a play-through of one of your new songs, The Ultimatum. I will be the first to admit, I was completely entranced watching it, and I want to thank you for making that. In fact, you made a couple of them. Tell us a bit about those videos and the idea behind them.

Well, basically, not a lot of people really get to see how the songs are played. So, my other guitar player and I decided to sit down and made a little video of what we do. It turned out, that it was kind of a cool thing for fans of guitar playing to watch it. We just started making a few more, and it really became popular. I think people like to see how the songs are actually played, rather than just hearing them. So, we tried to focus on that, and make a few cool videos for people to check out.

Well, it made me want to put my guitar down and never pick it up again, because I know I suck. (laughter)

Hey, thank you for saying that man. I really appreciate it. Obviously, I’ve played guitar for a very, very long time. I’ve just really tried to focus on my technique. Makings sure that everything sounds the way I like it, and really just perform the music that I like to play. Just an aggressive guitar style. I’m really a fan of the Neo-Classical stuff, like Marty Friedman and Jason Becker did back in the 1980’s. I kind of want to keep that whole style of guitar playing alive. That’s kind of where I’m coming from.

Back in April, you released your new solo album. Plains Of Oblivion is the title, and it’s an amazing record. How has your fanbase embraced it so far?

It’s been really good. Really good. I didn’t know what to expect after my whole departure from Nevermore. I wasn’t sure how the fans would respond to me being a solo artist, and focusing on instrumentals/vocal music. But, the response has been very, very good. Almost overwhelming. People really show their support for the kind of music that I’m doing. It’s definitely kind of gathered a whole new generation of kids. I’m a little bit older of course, I’m 40. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s with that music and stuff like that, but being able to reach out to a whole younger generation of kids, guitarists, and musicians is something that is really cool to me. So, we’re kind of doing that, but really we are just showing the kind of music that we love to play. Aggressive guitar playing is what the kids are really into nowadays. I think the guitar solos, and all of that stuff, is kind of coming back. It’s becoming popular again, so I’m really into that.

Finally! (laughter) Because I hated to see the death of the solo.

It’s more exciting. It’s just a more exciting form of guitar playing.

There are a few guest spots on this record as well. Tell us a bit about those.

I was very, very lucky actually to be able to get three of my favorite guitar players on this record. Number one, obviously being Marty Friedman. Also, Tony McAlpine, and a guitar player by the name of Chris Poland. Marty Friedman, has been an acquaintance, or a friend of mine for the last couple of years. I met him a long, long time ago back in the late 80’s, but he’s been a guitar player that has really put a unique star on the whole guitar world thing. He’s got a very unique style, and once you hear Marty Friedman, you know it’s him. Because of that unique style. I really just politely asked him via email, if he would be a part of my record, and do a guitar solo on it. He politely obliged to it. He was like, “Of course, I’d love to be a part of that.” So, I was really lucky there. Same thing with Tony MacAlpine and Chris Poland, I just sent them a couple of emails and asked them if they would be a part of the record. They both said yes, so I kind of lucked out. These are guitar idols that I grew up with, when I started playing guitar and they’re on my record. So, I’m very, very fortunate and very happy that they are on the record.

What can the fans expect from the setlist?

I’m actually just focusing on the first two instrumental records that I’ve put out. A lot of good things came from Nevemore, and I wouldn’t be here playing music today if wasn’t for Nevermore. But, I think every book has it’s ending, and when one chapter closes, another one opens up. So, it’s kind of an end of an era for me, regarding Nevermore. I’m starting off fresh doing my own thing now, so really I’m just playing the music that I’m writing for my project. Kind of putting Nevermore aside. 18 years in a band is a long time my friend. (laughter) It had to have its ending. I kind of just wanted to start a new musical direction with my life. I’m not saying that Nevermore will never get back together or do some sort of reunion, or a festival kind of thing in the near future, but at this given moment in time, it’s just kind of set aside. We’ll see what happens in the future.

Sounds good to me. I enjoy the solo stuff, I was just curious. A lot of people, I won’t say that they ride on their past success, but a lot of people do that. I was just curious to be honest.

Yeah, yeah. No worries, I think a lot of people have questions about stuff like that. Especially the fans that have been with us for a long time now. I really think that it’s awesome that people still show interest in the band, because it was a very, very good band. I’m very proud of the work that I did in that band. So, yeah, I definitely don’t take that for granted at all. Just happy to be here and still being around to play music. That’s what I enjoy doing. I love to play music, and perform in front of people. So, I’m really happy to be here, and doing that.

I saw on your site, that you announced you will be headed back to Europe soon as well. Tell us a bit about that upcoming tour.

This is a tour called the Euroblast tour. I’ll be headlining, as the main act of the whole thing. Which is mindblowing. I can’t believe that, that’s happening. (laughter) Playing with a lot of really awesome bands. That starts sometime in, October or November. The dates were recently just posted on Facebook, and Blabbermouth. It’s just really cool. We’re hitting all parts of Europe and you can expect a full headling set from the Jeff Loomis band. It should be really cool.

You recently recorded three new songs. Were those for the next album, or can we expect to see them showing up somewhere soon?

I think what we wanted to do, is mix up the instrumental music that I have, with new vocal songs. So, I decided to write three new vocal songs with the other guitar player in my band, Joe Nurre. Basically, they are all very, very heavy with death metal style vocals. Kind of going back to the old school vibe a bit. So, they don’t really have anything to do with the new album, it’s kind of like an EP we’re going to put out. As far as the digital download kind of thing, that people will be able to get via iTunes and stuff like that. That will be out very soon for people to purchase.

Is it almost a side project from what you are doing now, or is more of a joint venture?

It’s really just three songs with my new band basically. The band that I’m on tour with right now. Just something to keep people excited, to see what we’re doing to make things feel fresh, and new music for people to hear.

It’s been documented that Jason Becker has been a big influences on you. Are there any new guitarists out there that inspire, or at the very least, intrigue you?

Oh man, there’s quite a few actually. There’s a guy by the name of Guthrie Govan, who’s an amazing guitar player from the UK. He blows my mind, he’s absolutely incredible. I’m also really into the guitar players from Meshuggah. Of course, Fredrik Thordendal and Mårten Hagström. Lots of great guitar players man. The guitar players from The Contortionist are awesome. I’ve been listening to them, that’s the band that I’m on tour with. I listen to all sorts of music. I think that’s, if I could give some knowledge to up and coming musicians, is just to keep an open mind when it comes to listening to music. You just don’t have to listen to metal music. If you are a musician, things are cool if you can keep an open mind, as far as listening to different styles of music. Like classical, or jazz, or anything that is musical. So, I try to keep an open mind with what I listen to when it comes to that stuff.

That’s pretty much the philosophy of our site here. We say, if it rocks, we cover it. So, we don’t try to pigeonhole, if it’s good music and talent, we are all about it. Alright, I always end my interviews with a random question. So here goes; Living or dead, what artist would you want to tour with most and why?

Man, that’s a good question. I really don’t know. As far as a guitar player, I’d really like to tour with a guy like Steve Vai. He’s got such a huge catalogue of music. It would be really inspirational to tour a guitar player like that. Someone that has such great knowledge of the instrument. I’m sure I could learn so much from him. So, I think if it was any guitar player, it would be really cool to tour with that guy. I love his guitar playing, and his feel for guitar. Just the way he approaches his instruments. So, I think that would be a lot of fun to go out and tour with him.

Jeff, I thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. The site and myself, wish you and the band, absolutely nothing but the best. Hopefully, we can catch up at a show sometime soon.
Loving the fact that Guthrie Govan is getting props from JL. Well deserved and hopefully that might lead up to a guest part on the next album!
Guthrie Govan is a fucking wizard. the guitar just melts in his hands. i don't know that i've seen anyone with the degree of total control over the instrument that he has, even big names in his niche like Satch and Vai. it's like he IS the guitar.

Reading this interview reminds me of how much of a bummer it is that Nevermore isn't currently a thing. i wouldn't want to see them play live or make an album if it's going to be an ocean of bad blood, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't feel like all is right in the world of metal. I'm not a huge fan of Jeff's solo stuff, i think it's very impressive technically but the songwriting is a little samey and the incessant speed is hard to stomach at length. in the context of nevermore where he wasn't the whole focus of the music, his playing felt a lot less obnoxious. not saying he's nothing without warrel, but musically, warrel's voice is a great compliment to his style that is really unique and i certainly hope we get to hear it again in the future.