Another Luca Album??


Brother of Metal
Nov 22, 2005
Northampton, England
Taken from his website.

Hi to everybody,
how are you? This has been a hard timing for me to release news on my websites because of some important issues to solve with Rhapsody and because of the composition of my second Dreamquest album that should be released during spring 2007.
To not speak about the world championship that is taking me a lot of time and energy. But after one month from its release I can say that my solo album reached some goals really unexpected.
'The Infinite Wonders of Creation' entered the German charts at position n.100 and the French ones at pos. n.138.
Without you this wouldn't have been possible. Thanks again for the incredible support. And thanks to these great results I am already planning something really special for my 4th solo album. I will release further news in the next months.
Best wishes!


I thought 'The Infinite wonders...' would be his last solo album. But it seems there will be another!

SWEET!!!!!! (x a load more exclaimation marks)

More Olaf please. :)
Well if the next dreamquest album were to be his next solo project album, then it wouldn't be the fourth... I think he is saying he is making another Dreamquest album and another Luca Turilli one.