ANOTHER melodyne rant

melodyne is way too unstable and crashes too often to be called proper software. this is my experience over a number of DAW's, plugins, versions, single track editor etc.

the artifacts i can deal with. the occasional stupid pop/click from nowhere, i can just about deal with. but crashing really winds me up.

I agree. I feel like I shouldn't have to save every three seconds in worry that it's going to crash, and after it does, I open it up, and it crashes some more :mad:

Supposedly Cubase 6's new pitch correction fucks shit up, so if you're considering that, you'll have an integrated solution.
well, i mean i dont it expect to crash for EVERYONE (my guess is that PC guys are better off) - but im using pretty common gear here, and following all their updates/recommendations etc. The plugins are the buggiest for me generally, so I tend to avoid. I also actually quite like the layout of the melodyne multitrack editor and bouncing off individual tracks is fairly quick/painless.

im essentially using a beta version. need to save $$$ for antares.
Always been kinda shit here.
Plugin was much better than editor, faster anyway. Polyphonic mode is lame and it'd be nice to be able to disable it entirely.
Editor standalone sucks because you can't tune relative to anything!
Autotune evo bra

Yeah that's what I'm using now. I still use Melo for Bass tuning and sometimes super clean vocals, but I'm tired of it crashing too. I've had it on probably 6 different machines with differetn DAWs or in stand alone and it always crashes. I'd say I get 1 crash for at least every time I open it.
Melodyne plug on Mac.... very stable for me, and only rarely do i ever have an artifact or pop/click.... it happens occasionally but only when trying to make an extreme change, or when editing a sound that doesn't have much pitch at all.
the artifacts are totally dependant on the vocalist. one vocalist i recorded just wasn't suited to melodyne's algorithm and it just sounded horrible. demo'd antares and it was A LOT better. sometimes its the other way around. even on some vocalists where melodyne is handling it ok, the odd accentuated part of a vocal can just throw it off and you get some nasty noises. VERY ANNOYING.
i'm surprised no one mentioned that just passing signal through melodyne takes alot of the highs out of the vocal, at least the plugin version did. its like most of the "air" disappears. i did an A/B without any tuning done in the plugin and its really apparent.

found something on gearslutz about it, so i know i'm probably not crazy but its pretty shocking how so many AE's dont seem to notice..