Another Movie: World Trade Center


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
When I first heard they were making this movie, I thought it was going to be a big budget Hollywood film that just wanted to recreate the events of the day and I really don't feel like living through that again, at least not right now. But then when I found out that it was more a story about two police officers that went into the building and the rescuers who risked their own lives for them, I am more interested in the story. I've read a few newspaper articles about some of the police and firefighters from around here that have seen the movie and the general consensus is that the movie was pretty accurate. So if they thought the story was told pretty well and not elaborated upon for money making purposes, I think thats another good sign to see this movie. Of course not everyone is happy with it but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Is anyone going to see it? Do you think its too soon for a movie like this? Just wondering.
Honestly, just out of curiousity (and because I'm a Nic Cage fan), I'll probably rent it. From what I hear, there are no actual shots of the planes hitting the building. Which, I think, was a good choice by Stone.
I agree. From what I read, its only the viewpoint of the people on the ground. In the beginning, you will only see the shadow of the plane as it hits the WTC.
EC - i have yet to still watch united 93 let alone this.

The rock station in town was talking about this movie this afternoon they said the movie is very straight and plain...meaning there is no conspiracy theory with this movie like so many other movies done by him.
IAN442 said:
...meaning there is no conspiracy theory with this movie like so many other movies done by him.
That's about all I like about his movies(the conspiracy stuff)!
I'm watching "U Turn" at this very moment... - Sean Penn's conspiring with Nick Nolte to whack JeLo. Can't get better conspiracy than this.
I would LOVE to whack J.Lo!:lol:
DeathsHead said:
I would like to see a hidden camera of us(the US) executing Osama Bin Laden--thats what I really would like to see

As long a sBush is in the Whitehouse, the US isn't going to break too much sweat trying to find Bin Laden.
Gibba said:
As long a sBush is in the Whitehouse, the US isn't going to break too much sweat trying to find Bin Laden.
I suppose Clinton would have done better?:erk:
MikeyBong said:
I suppose Clinton would have done better?:erk:

Why reduce it to party political 'what ifs'? Why shift the focus from Bin Laden to Iraq who had nothing to do with 9/11? Vested interest pehaps?
Gibba said:
Why reduce it to party political 'what ifs'? Why shift the focus from Bin Laden to Iraq who had nothing to do with 9/11? Vested interest pehaps?
I'm not the one who brought up Bush in the first place.