

Aug 22, 2003
Wow. I just wasted an hour and twenty-five minutes of my life.

My buddy and I just went to see the movie Ultraviolet. I can honestly say that it is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. This movie did not have a single redeeming quality. Even Mila Jovavich, as hot as she is, couldn’t salvage this festering bowl of dog snot. The acting was horrific, the story was pathetic, and the visual effects looked like they were done over the weekend on someone’s home computer. God it sucked! I really don’t think that I can put in to words how bad this movie was. If I had gone by myself I would have walked out of the damn thing. The people who made this movie should be brought up on some sort of charges.

I really don't know what else to say about it. If you're thinking about going to see it, just go an wipe your ass with your $8. It'll be about the same.
Seeing that movie couldn't be any worse than reading the Threads by the n00bs on this message board.
Whiplash402 said:
and i was planning on seeing that too...:(

Well, I'm glad I was able to save you.

I gotta be honest, I can usually tolerate a bad movie but...this one just took the fucking cake.
ThraxDude said:
Seeing that movie couldn't be any worse than reading the Threads by the n00bs on this message board.

Actually, I would rather read n00b posts for a month straight than see that movie again. Fucking horrific.
yea I just saw it too... it's not THAT bad... it's not good at all, but I've seen wayyyy worse movies.

But by no means see this movie in the theater. RENTAL!